From Rep. Patti Anderson <[email protected]>
Subject Legislative Update from Rep. Patti Anderson
Date February 28, 2025 5:09 PM
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*February 28, 2025*

Legislative Update

Friends & Neighbors,

I hope you're enjoying the unseasonably warm weather this week and have had a chance to get outside! It’s hard to believe we’re already nearing the end of February. Things have been moving quickly at the Capitol, and I wanted to provide an update on some of the critical issues we’ve been tackling—particularly when it comes to fraud prevention, government accountability, responsible budgeting, and ensuring our tax dollars are spent wisely.

Holding State Agencies Accountable for Fraud Prevention

On Monday, the House Fraud Prevention and Agency Oversight Committee held a critical hearing to examine the ongoing failures in Minnesota’s Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). Testimony from the Commissioner of the Department of Human Services (DHS) revealed major gaps in enforcement and oversight—issues that have persisted for years despite billions of taxpayer dollars flowing through the program.

Some of the most concerning findings from the hearing include:

* *Minimal Fraud Recoveries –* DHS has only recovered $2.4 million in fraud since 2020, despite paying out $1.2 billion in CCAP funds.
* *Weak Oversight of Childcare Centers –* Some CCAP-funded providers with serious licensing violations continue to receive state funding, with no clear enforcement standards.
* *Failure to Stop Kickbacks –* While Minnesota has no state-level statute prohibiting kickbacks, it’s illegal under federal law. DHS has failed to stop or prosecute these actions.
* *Lack of Data Transparency –* DHS repeatedly cited its “data analytics” fraud prevention efforts but could not provide specifics on staffing or effectiveness.

Minnesotans deserve a government that works to protect their hard-earned tax dollars. Instead, we are seeing the same failed policies year after year with little effort to reform the system. I will continue fighting for stronger oversight, accountability, and real consequences for those who defraud public programs.

Progress on My Fraud Prevention Bill

One of the best ways to combat waste and fraud in state government is through independent oversight—not leaving enforcement up to the very agencies that are responsible for the problem. House File 1 [ [link removed] ] does exactly that.

I'm happy to report that HF1 passed through the Education Finance Committee on Tuesday and the Judiciary Committee Thursday, marking another step forward in the fight for government accountability. There are a few more committee stops to go before the House floor, but I am actively working with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure this bill's success. Preventing fraud should be a bipartisan issue, and I am doing everything I can to ensure that the bill accomplishes its goals and can be supported by both parties.

Finally Ending Costly Rail Projects

For years, Northstar Commuter Rail has been a money pit for taxpayers, draining $11 million annually while ridership has plummeted to near zero. Ridership numbers are so bad that each trip a person takes costs taxpayers $115 for just a one-way trip. In 2019, the rail had around 767,000 riders compared to 2022, where ridership plummeted to just 275 daily riders. Despite clear evidence that the line is unsustainable, state agencies have stubbornly defended it—until now.

HF269 [ [link removed] ], which just passed to the general register terminates Northstar operations. Conveniently, MnDOT and the Met Council abruptly announced they are now “exploring” a transition away from rail service. This sudden shift is not a coincidence—it’s proof that even they can no longer ignore reality. Instead of taking action years ago, they waited until Northstar’s failure became undeniable, wasting millions in the process.

It’s time to pull the plug. Continuing to throw taxpayer dollars at a rail line with almost no riders is irresponsible, especially when those funds could be used for practical, flexible, and cost-effective transportation options. My colleagues and I will continue pushing to shut it down, hold state agencies accountable, and ensure your tax dollars are spent wisely.

Protect Girls Sports Bill on House floor on Monday

HF12 [ [link removed] ] will be heard on the floor on Monday. This Bill essentially brings Minnesota in line with an executive order that simply states that men should not be competing in women's sports. Despite this being fairly common sense, the bill has received a bunch of push back, even though nearly 80% of all Americans, and even 67% of Democrats [ [link removed] ], agree with this legislation. 

To help support the bill, 12-time NCAA All-American swimmer and girls' sports advocate, Riley Gaines, will be joining us for a rally for girls sports at the Capitol Monday. There will also be a round table discussion which is ticketed. You can find tickets and information at this link. [ [link removed] ]

Closing Thoughts

The fight for government accountability and responsible spending is ongoing, but I remain committed to ensuring taxpayer dollars are used wisely and effectively. From stopping fraud and waste to reducing financial burdens, these issues directly impact our families, businesses, and communities.

As always, I value your feedback and encourage you to reach out with any questions or concerns. Thank you for staying engaged, and I will continue working hard to represent your interests at the Capitol.

Please Contact Me

Please continue to reach out if I can be of any assistance to you. You can reach me by phone at 651-296-3018 or by email at [email protected].

Have a great weekend! 

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