Climate Champion,
Over the past month, we’ve witnessed an all-out assault on climate policy and science in our country. It’s hard to watch. But here’s the thing: if our progress wasn’t making a difference, then the new administration wouldn’t be desperately attacking our movement. The fact that we’ve won before proves that we can win again.
And we will. We must.
When we face setbacks in our fight for the future, I’m reminded of this quote by our founder and chairman, former US Vice President Al Gore: “Climate activism is the antidote to climate despair. Hope can help people find the energy to act.”
We have hope, and we have the solutions, the public support, and the political will to turn our hope into action. But ultimately our progress depends on the support of dedicated climate activists like you, Climate Champion. Can we count on you to make a gift of $10 or more today? [[link removed]]
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Your support for our grassroots movement is the source of its power. Already, you’ve enabled us to train countless Climate Reality Leaders around the world. These climate activists are fighting for clean energy in their communities, pushing back on misinformation online, and holding our government accountable.
And that’s why I believe our movement will win – because we’re resolved to keep driving climate action in the US and abroad regardless of who’s in the White House.
This year, we’re launching The REALITY Tour to train thousands more Climate Reality Leaders to fight for the future we all deserve. But right now, we need your help. Will you make a gift of $10 or more to help us meet our crucial end-of-month deadline and continue pushing our ambitious climate agenda forward in 2025? [[link removed]]
DONATE NOW [[link removed]]
Thank you for powering our work,
Erin Taylor Campaigns and Field Senior Vice President Climate Reality Leader trained in 2010 The Climate Reality Project
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The Climate Reality Project
555 12th Street NW
Suite 350
Washington, DC 20004
United States