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EarthRights: Greenpeace is Facing a Dangerous Legal Tactic Often Used by Wealthy Interests to Silence Free Speech
EarthRights (2/20/25 ([link removed]) )
This week on CounterSpin: Just because we might witness the daylight robbery of the social benefits we’ve been paying for and counting on for the entirety of our working lives, and just because Black people are no longer officially allowed to even mentor Black people coming in to fields they’ve been historically excluded from, and just because any program receiving public funding will now have to pretend there are “two genders”—doesn’t mean the environment isn’t still in immediate peril. It is.
But the lawsuits of deep-pocketed fossil fuel corporations against any and everyone who dares challenge their profiteering destruction are really also about our ability as non-billionaires to use our voice to speak out about anything. Not speaking out is increasingly a non-option. So where are we? We’ll learn about a case that is “weaponizing the legal system” against anyone who wants a livable future from Kirk Herbertson, US director for advocacy and campaigns at EarthRights International ([link removed]) .
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Plus Janine Jackson takes a quick look at recent coverage of the FCC ([link removed]) , the Washington Post and Medicaid.
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