Dear Friend,
For democracies to flourish, we need a free and independent press. Journalists hold power to account, and when the executive branch controls the narrative, the public cannot be certain they are getting the full picture.
CPJ is deeply concerned by the Trump administration barring AP reporters from the Oval Office and its decision to hand-pick press pool members. CEO Jodie Ginsberg discussed the implications on France 24:

Given the White House’s decision to ban AP from pool activities in retaliation for an editorial choice, it is concerning that the administration will now exert yet more control over which outlets are able to access the president and events he attends.
As Jodie told France 24, it is crucial for media organizations from across the political spectrum to come together in defending AP’s access to the White House. This is not about partisanship – it’s about the right to free and independent information.
CPJ joined a coalition of journalism and press freedom organizations in calling on the Trump administration to restore AP reporters’ access to the Oval Office, Air Force One and other White House pool events. Read our full statement here.
Thanks for staying engaged.
John Weis
Director of Development and Outreach