Hi there,
When something feels too difficult to bear, when we want to turn away from it—that’s exactly when we should turn toward it, with an open heart. And when we do, we realize it’s within our power to make a difference.
It may seem like the world’s biggest systems of cruelty are outside our sphere of influence. I used to think so.
But it’s simply not true. By measurably improving the lives of millions of animals over the last decade, this community has proven that we can and will change the world.
We won’t stop until every animal is free. Will you join us with a monthly gift?
MATCH MY FIRST SIX GIFTS [[link removed]]
I believe that helping to end systemic animal cruelty is one of the most meaningful things we can do with our time on this planet. If you can join us right now with a monthly gift, a generous donor will match it, for six months. But the match ends tonight.
Thank you for fighting for the animals with us.
We are their only hope.
With gratitude and determination,
Kalista Barter
Development Team
P.S. You can give with confidence knowing The Humane League has been consistently recognized as one of the top animal charities worldwide. Every dollar makes a difference for animals—especially during this incredible giving match. By providing reliable funding, a monthly gift is far and away one of the most effective ways to support our mission.
MATCH MY FIRST SIX GIFTS [[link removed]]
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We exist to end the abuse of animals raised for food. But we can’t do it without you. The Humane League is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization ranked "Best In America" by the Independent Charities of America and ranked one of the world's most effective animal protection organizations by Animal Charity Evaluators. Our federal EIN is 04-3817491.
Copyright © 2025 The Humane League, All rights reserved.
The Humane League | PO Box 10476 | Rockville, MD 20849
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