MTU Vocational Village Paroling Students - Ionia Michigan
Below are student resumes that are listed by county, trade, name and parole date. To view the resume, click on the link itself. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dan Seal, [email protected]. Please be aware that Vocational Village resumes will be coming in two separate emails. The individuals listed in this email are from the Ionia Facility location only. If you have an emergent hiring need, email Kyle Tejchma at [email protected], he is the Manager of the Of Employment and Opportunities Unit. He can pull from local parole offices to assist you with your hiring needs.
Automotive Earliest Release Date County Brooks, Michael (Master, Motorcycle, 3/4/2025 Ionia HD Eng. Diesel & Gas; HD El.) Strong, Quavondo (ER) 3/18/2025 Muskegon
Carpentry Earliest Release Date County Steketee, Travis (1-FL) 3/11/2025 Kent Betz, Rodney (3-FL) 4/15/2025 Eaton Patton, Steven (3-FL) 4/29/2025 Genesee CNC Earliest Release Date County Davis, Christopher (4-FL) 3/11/2025 Berrien Manns, Ronald (4-FL) 3/12/2025 Wexford Rickert, Stewart (4-FL) 4/3/2025 Ottawa Welsh, Shane (2-FL) 4/9/2025 Ingham Rider, Derek 4/29/2025 Kent
Food Tech Earliest Release Date County Portis, Roy (2) 4/15/2025 Wayne Dismuke, Marvin (2) 4/24/2025 Wayne
Welding Earliest Release Date County Rashad, Medrick (4-FL) 3/4/2025 Kalamazoo Buchanan, Torrean (4-FL) 4/1/2025 Wayne Bailey, Antonio 4/15/2025 Wayne Vigneau, Neil 4/29/2025 Genesee
Note: Number in ( ) is the number of Tiers or Licenses that students has completed. Fl indicates has a forklift license.
General Labor Earliest Release Date County None