Dear John,
I write to share a heartfelt thank you to the over 70 people who attended our campaign kickoff. By far, what moved me the most was the sincerity and authenticity of people who gathered together. From across Jersey City and Hoboken, some of the most active and consistent advocates for good, people-centered government joined our collective campaign launch. That support, the support of honest, sincere, and fierce advocates is deeply motivating. Thank you.
Before I share some pictures, I would like to thank the speakers and current and former elected official and candidates who joined us this week. First the speakers: Current 32nd District Assemblyman John Allen; Hoboken Democratic Party Chairman and Councilman Joe Quintero; and Mamta Singh, Jersey City candidate for Council-at-Large on Councilman James Solomon’s ticket.
In addition to the speakers, thank you to Hoboken Council Member James Doyle; Hoboken Board of Education President Aileen McGuirk; Jersey City Councilman James Solomon; Jersey City Council candidate Elena Little; Jersey City Council candidate Veronica Akaezuwa, former State Senator Bernie Kenny, and former Hoboken Council Member Vanessa Falco for attending.
Here’s a glimpse of our incredible night. We also received some positive coverage, which you can read here and here.
Our campaign is powered by authentic, grassroots supporters like you. If would you like to contribute to our campaign, please so do here. You can volunteer for our campaign here. Let’s work to make our state government better, together.
Ravi Bhalla