aafront.org [aafront.org]
Hi john,
It’s Friday–which means it’s your weekly Abortion AF email!
This week Patriarchy’s trash pandas were very busy rummaging in our junk, so let’s survey the damage and do some clean up!
Excuse the Ida-HELL Out Of Us!
Let’s make sure we’ve got this right: three unidentified guys throw an idaho woman to the ground [[link removed]] , drag her out of a public town hall, and attempt to ZIP TIE her hands because she dare voice her opinion AT A PUBLIC TOWN HALL?? It’s official: Random Vagilantes are just out here, power-tripping on toxic masculinity and shutting down every mouthy broad who thinks she deserves some rights. Read the whole saga, then check out AAF Head Writer Alyssa’s video below to turn your feels into catharsis!
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“...West Virginia, Mountain Mama…” Whether You Like It or not.
No, West Virginia is NOT “Almost Heaven,” especially when you have politicians like Delegate Elias Coop-Gonzalez. He recently woke up and thought, “You know what’s wrong with our state? We STILL let rape and incest survivors get an abortion. So I’m going to right this wrong by pushing for legislation that forces rape and incest victims to carry their abuser's pregnancy to term [[link removed]] !”
His logic? Fetuses, quote, “are not responsible for the sins of their fathers."
Clearly, there are no other victims in this scenario. Can’t think of a one. Nope, no sireee, move it along, just a fetus with constitutional rights and a broodmare who needs to do some birthin’…
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In this week’s episode, Your favorite Feminist Buzzkills Lizz and Moji bring you a pod chock full of the good, the bad, and the mostly bad abortion news that dropped this week.
Let’s start with the good!
The Supreme Court Says, “Hard Pass” To Anti-Abortion Stalkers
Yep, THAT SCOTUS. The high court refused to take up a case filed by sidewalk harassers claiming they have a constitutional right for an all-access pass near an abortion clinic to scream at patients because “free speech.”
Justices Sam A LEAK o and Ginny’s husband were the only two who voted in favor of hearing the case, and Moji and Lizz will fill you in on why they are soooooo pissssssed they don’t have the opportunity to shame us further.
And This Week’s Guests? ::chefs kiss::
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Moji and Lizz are joined by Executive Director of the Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund [[link removed]] , Laurie Bertram Roberts , to explore the alarming movement threatening disability rights and delve into the intersections of reproductive rights and disability rights as components of Reproductive Justice.
PLUS comedian, writer and activist Joyelle Johnson [[link removed]] stops by to help us laugh through the pain, and tells us how sharing her abortion story has empowered others.
And Moji and Lizz Take Your Questions!!!
Just call or text (201) 574-7402, leave your first name, where you live and fire away with questions or concerns about any and all things repro. Lizz and Moji will pick a few to address on the pod!
You don’t wanna miss this or any of the FBK episodes so…
Smash the button below, and like and subscribe wherever you pod!
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Volunteer Skill Share!
AAF wants YOU to put your talents to work making Abortion provider’s lives easier.
You got the skills, we got the clinics – let’s put them together! Fill out our Volunteer Skill Share form [[link removed]] , and if the time comes where a clinic could use that support, we’ll hook y’all up!
Trust us… everybody has skills to share. Baking, landscaping, graphic design, video editing, accounting, painting… whatever you’re good at and would love to help with, put it down.
We can all help out in our own ways – fill out the form now [[link removed]] and help us build up our network to support abortion!!
VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP [[link removed]]
Or, Maybe You Wanna Mix It Up? Hop Into Our Activist Calendar Below.
Cruise around and find that feel-good event to get your boots on the ground and head in the game!
ACTIVIST CALENDAR [[link removed]]
Scouring a calendar not your thing, we’ved picked a few of our favorites!
Reproductive Justice 101!
There’s no better time than now to learn all about Reproductive Justice with The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice ! Join their Foundations: Latina Institute and Repro Justice/Fundaciones: Latina Institute y la Justica Reproduct discussion on Wednesday, March 5th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm ET – registration link here! [[link removed]]
Sometimes We Just Need to Set Our Intentions
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For those of y’all who could use an opportunity to explore your faith in a non-judgemental & trauma-informed space with other Muslims, HEART put together a four-part series to renew your Niyyah (Arabic word for intention) this Ramadan!
Join the second part, ‘What’s Ramadan To You: Assessing Your Beliefs’, on Tuesday, March 4th at 4:30pm ET – registration link here! [[link removed]]
See An Awesome Concert And Support AAF While Doing It!
Love the Band REM? Love AAF? You Can Love Them Both In One Room!
It’s a perfect circle. Michael Shannon & Jason Narducy And Friends are out on tour covering R.E.M.’s iconic album, Fables of the Reconstruction , and you don’t want to miss it! The kicker? Proceeds from poster sales are being donated to Abortion Access Front !
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Check out all of their tour dates [[link removed]] for a location near you! BONUS – we will have a table at each show so come say hi, and pick up a poster to help us support more indie clinics than ever! Be the pro-abortion rock star you want to see in the world!
We Can Always Use A Few Dollahs
Now more than ever Abortion Access Front could use your support. If we made you smarter or helped you engage with fellow do-gooders, please consider dropping a few dollars in the coffers to help us keep the work going
DONATE [[link removed]]
Just try and drag us away,
Team Abortion AF
Abortion Access Front
1001 6th Ave 12th floor
New York, NY 10018
United States
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