Petition Drive Seeks Special Protection & Special Rules
Gay rights campaign challenges Michigan signature requirements in court

"A campaign to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Michigan is suing the state in hopes of easing requirements for getting its proposal before voters during the COVID-19 pandemic."

"Under current law, the campaign would have to turn in 340,047 valid signatures by Wednesday...The campaign collected 134,000 signatures before the pandemic hit, but had collected only 177,000 by Sunday, according to the press release...The group is seeking a declaration that the enforcement of the current requirements against it is unconstitutional. It also wants to reduce the number of signatures required to 127,518 and to extend the deadline to July 13."

CTV remains concerned that the proposed language of this ballot initiative will lead to an increase in discrimination, because the proposal does not allow or religious exemption. The ballot proposal would inadvertently create a specially protected class that compromises the constitutional rights of others. Even in trying to create a legislative policy, this group is asking to be the exception to the rule that applies to every other ballot initiative and political group. CTV will continue to monitor this issue and keep you informed.

Read the full story here.
Possible Changes to Election Law
Bill Introduced in Michigan Senate to Ban In-Person Voting

Last week, State Senator Jeff Irwin introduced SB 0909, which would effectively ban in-person voting in all elections after October 2020. That means that in the November Presidential Election and all elections hereafter, the "election must be conducted by absent voter ballot only."

There are serious concerns about what this could mean if passed. Currently, the bill has been referred to the Committee on Elections. CTV will continue to keep you informed on any movement with this bill or other bills pertaining to election law and absentee voting.
Register your teen now for LEAD Online!
Registration is now open for LEAD Online!

Our sister organization, SSI, is excited to announce LEAD Online, a new hybrid program that will take place through an online, interactive platform. Our new LEAD Online pilot program will be held during the currently scheduled LEAD weeks. Our goal is to preserve the essence of the LEAD experience in this new format as we continue to engage students through dynamic biblical worldview instruction and practical leadership training.

We hope you will join us! Learn more about this exciting new program at

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Citizens for Traditional Values relies on the support of grassroots activists and concerned citizens who care about preserving, protecting, and promoting traditional values in Lansing and our local communities.