May 29, 2020
Listen to Today's Podcast:
In this episode, I address the exploding war between President Trump, and the Twitter tech tyrants. I also address the riots in Minneapolis, and the only way to stop them.
Biden’s Lead in the Black Vote Starts to Slip
Just days after Joe Biden told a black radio host that “if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” a poll reveals Biden lagging behind 2016 election silver medalist Hillary Clinton in garnering the black vote.
Politico Reporter Gets Shut Down By McEnany After Asking Ridiculously Stupid Question
Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany has really done a great job in her new role. Best of all, she has shown herself to be great at schooling “journalists” for asking dumb “gotcha” questions.
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Dan Bongino, P.O. Box 1003, Palm City, FL 34991