Welcome to You’re Probably Getting Screwed, a weekly newsletter and video series from J.D. Scholten and Justin Stofferahn about the Second Gilded Age and the ways economic concentration is putting politics and profits over working people. Welcome to You’re Probably Getting Screwed, a weekly newsletter and video series from J.D. Scholten and Justin Stofferahn about the Second Gilded Age and the ways economic concentration is putting politics and profits over working people. Book Club!!!February’s book is “Monopolized: Life in the Age of Corporate Power” by David Dayen, the executive editor of The American Prospect. Here’s our conversation: You can purchase “Monopolized” here. And be sure to send in your questions for David by commenting below. SOCIAL MEDIABe sure to follow us on YouTube and Instagram!BEFORE YOU GOIf you have ideas on who to interview or what book should be the “book of the month” down the road, please let us know. Standing Tall for All, J.D. Scholten |