The organisation behind FixMyStreet, TheyWorkForYou, WhatDoTheyKnow, WriteToThem... and other citizen-empowering online tools
WhoFundsThem report launch Chris Cook - Financial Times Rose Whiffen -Transparency International Alex Parsons and Julia Cushion - mySociety  A photo of each speaker, and the cover of the report, which is titled 'Beyond transparency - Four steps to control money in politics'


online launch event 

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We’re finally ready to release the findings from our deep-dive into MPs’ financial interests.

Don’t forget to reserve your free spot for the online WhoFundsThem report launch on 4 March, where mySociety’s Julia Cushion and Alex Parsons will be joined by Rose Whiffen of Transparency International and Chris Cook of the Financial Times.

WhoFundsThem is a mySociety project looking into the financial interests of MPs.

With the help of our team of trained volunteers, we checked all available data on MPs’ second jobs, donations and gifts and now we can say exactly where the system is failing us — and what needs to be done to make it better. 

50 amazing volunteers spent six months analysing the data on 650 MPs across multiple sources, from Companies House to the Register of Financial Interests, discovering what has been declared, and what should have been, but hasn’t.

On 4 March we’ll be releasing an in-depth report on what needs to change. You’re welcome to join us. Register now to secure your place.

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