Council member Katie Sherrod of Texas shares feedback on
realignment plans. | Mark Michael/TLC

Help for Dioceses Top Realignment Plans

By Mark MIchael

Major goals include the church center providing practical assistance with crisis communication, Title IV, and faster bishop searches, as well as a “reinvention” of General Convention. Read on

Syria’s Anglicans Cautiously Hopeful

By Gavin Drake

Syria's new leader has used moderate language and promised to protect minority groups, despite his Islamist roots; leaders of Damascus' Anglican church have an appointment with the National Dialogue Conference. Read on

Episcopal Migration Ministries: The Work Continues

By Neva Rae Fox

Sarah Shipman: “The end of federal funding for Episcopal Migration Ministries does not mean an end for EMM — or to the Episcopal Church’s commitment to stand with migrants.” Read on

Retiring CFO Honored for Service

By Mark Michael

Kurt Barnes, who has overseen the Episcopal Church’s finances for 21 years, was honored for his leadership, and Executive Council heard about the complicated role of the Executive Officer of General Convention and challenges faced by immigrants. Read on. Also: Executive Council Focuses on Reform

Eastern Oregon Comfortable with Assisting Bishop

By Meredyth Albright

The small rural diocese has not employed a full-time bishop in a decade, and it envisions a “shared episcopate model,” with leadership exercised by the standing committee, an assisting bishop, and key staff. Read on

Synod Rejects Bishops’ ‘Power Grab’ on Episcopal Elections

By Mark Michael

Lis Goddard claimed that proposals to eliminate the secret ballot, lower the election threshold, and give archbishops an extra vote to break ties amounted to “shifting the power dramatically to those who already hold the majority of power.” Read on.  

Australian Church Festival Keeps Hope Alive

By Robyn Douglass

The Diocese of Adelaide made an early start on Hope25, staging a week-long curtain-raiser, Festival of Hope in Theology and the Arts. Read on.

Podcast: Reformation, Politics, and Friendship with Matthew Riegel

By Amber Noel

What hath Martin Luther to do with Thomas Cranmer? Explore a fascinating shared history between Anglicans and Lutherans. Listen here.

The Time of the Anglican Communion

By Ephraim Radner 

The Nairobi-Cairo Proposals have a specific purpose, but Ephraim Radner discerns that they are built on a sweeping vision of the church that has beauty and persuasiveness. Read on

Renewing the Instruments of Communion

By John Bauerschmidt

Upholding Catholic and Apostolic faith and order, the Nairobi-Cairo Proposals recognize a global communion of churches whose leadership should shared by people from different regions and contexts. Read on

Inculturation and Indigenization

By Francis Omondi

The task of indigenization and inculturation — making the universal local while still globally recognizable — is the next step beyond the current configuration of the Communion Instruments. Read on.

What Unites the Communion?

By Benjamin Crosby

For over a century, the Anglican Communion has been de-confessionalized, reduced to institutional relationships via the Communion Instruments. Given this reality, the IASCUFO recommendations are generously made. Read on

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