TO: Rep. Jaime Raskin
FROM: John
DATE: February 27, 2025
Dear Congressman Raskin,
I want you to know I’ve got your back and I’m with you all the way in your plan to take down Elon Musk.
Donald Trump and Elon Musk will stop at NOTHING to dismantle our government and destroy our democratic institutions – so I know they’re FURIOUS you’re standing up to them.
And I know for a FACT that without your work, we would have no one to hold Musk and Trump accountable for their illegal power grabs!
That’s why I’m signing this letter to thank you for all of your hard work, and chipping in $3 to UNITEDemocrats to help elect Democrats in upcoming House special elections who will fight alongside you »
I can’t thank you enough for standing up to Donald Trump and his new MAGA billionaire best friend,