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Hi John,
There's a lot happening right now in election integrity that you need to know about. ([link removed])
First, a win! My SB 1052 passed the Senate!
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This bill actually got some bipartisan support. It basically says that, if you grew up in Paris your whole life and never stepped foot in Arizona, you have no business voting in our elections by Federal absentee ballot.
Arizonans who are American citizens ONLY please! This is a win for election integrity.
Second, it looks like the AZ legislature is going to SCOTUS.
I want to know why Democrats keep trying to get people who are NOT Arizonans, and NOT even American citizens, to vote in Arizona's elections?!?
I don't understand it. And knowing that embattled Dem Governor Katie Hobbs may threaten vetos, means we have NOT pushed hard enough, yet.
Gov. Hobbs has already started to reverse some positions because her poll numbers are so low. She is vulnerable- and YOUR voice may help get election integrity bills signed into law! ([link removed])
Call Gov. Hobbs, and contribute to my effort as well. She is definitely hearing your voice, it is making changes in policy. I will keep focusing on passing important solutions to Arizona's problems, but getting them signed will take YOUR help! ([link removed])
God bless Arizona, and God bless America!
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Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona Senator LD7
PS: Hobbs thinks noncitizens and non-Arizonans should vote in Arizona's elections. Let's tell her otherwise! ([link removed])
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Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.