From The Muslim Advocates Team <[email protected]>
Subject Ramadan Mubarak from Muslim Advocates
Date February 28, 2025 12:01 AM
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Ramadan Mubarak from the Muslim Advocates team.
We wish peace and spiritual renewal to all of you who are observing this sacred month. As the scope of targeting from the current administration comes to light, we cannot shake the feeling that—while novel in some sinister ways—the systemic attack on the freedom and dignity of Black, African, Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian communities is familiar. That truth can be discouraging. We are trying to draw strength from it. We take heart in the fact that our community and allies have fought so hard over the years. And we have made lasting contributions to the struggle for justice against odds that would seem insurmountable, but for the power of our collective voices and action.
We invite you to learn more about Muslim Advocates’ work this Ramadan. From pressuring carceral facilities to observe their constitutional obligations, to fighting for transparency about anti-Muslim targeting at the southern border, to collaborating with fearless partner organizations nationwide, we are unwavering in our commitment to building power, fighting systemic oppression, and to demanding shared wellbeing for all. Have a look at the resources below and share them widely; we hope they reach anyone who may need them.
Support Our Work [[link removed]]
Finally, please support our work this Ramadan. Your donation will be put to work immediately on cases and campaigns that have impact. And consider joining our growing community of “advocates”—our monthly donors—whose recurring gifts are helping sustain Muslim Advocates into the future.
[link removed] [[link removed]] Keeping the Faith: Supporting the religious needs of incarcerated Muslims. Learn more about that work here [[link removed]] .
[link removed] [[link removed]] Know Your Rights: providing information about your rights to religious accommodations in schools, workplaces, and carceral facilities and include templates for making religious accommodation requests.
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Muslim Advocates
P.O. Box 34440
Washington, DC 20043
United States
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