From Chickens deserve better, Ekō <[email protected]>
Subject Diseased Chicken Meat
Date February 21, 2025 12:41 PM
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Whole Foods, Chipotle, Starbucks, and Subway – all promised to use ethical
chicken but still source factory farmed ‘Frankenchicken’.

Frankenchickens are forcibly fast and unnaturally growing chicken that
suffer unimaginable pain and produce diseased meat – all so corporations
can maximise profits.

It’s time to hold companies by their word and force them to do better by
ramping up the global pressure:

Tell Whole Foods, Chipotle, Starbucks, and Subway: Do better – stop
sourcing from cruel factory farms and start adopting the Better Chicken
Commitment now!

[ [link removed] ] Sign the petition 


"Frankenchickens" – bred to grow unnaturally fast, their bodies buckling
under their abnormal weight. Crippled, struggling to breathe, they drag
themselves across barn floors, hearts frantically racing to keep up with
overgrown organs. This is the cost of corporate greed: lives filled with
pain, disease, and suffering.

This cruelty isn’t just heartbreaking—it’s unnecessary. The Better Chicken
Commitment (BCC) was created to introduce basic welfare standards, like
healthier breeds, more space, and humane slaughter. Over 200 major food
companies pledged to do better. Yet giants like Whole Foods, Chipotle,
Starbucks, and Subway are still sourcing from factory farms that abuse
these animals.

We have the power to change this. As a movement of millions, we can create
a massive global outcry and demand better animal welfare standards in
supply chains. Companies like Whole Foods already parade themselves as
green grocers – so let’s hold them by their words. Are you in?

[ [link removed] ]Whole Foods, Chipotle, Starbucks, and Subway: Stop sourcing
Frankenchicken – employ the Better Chicken Commitment (BCC).

Frankenchickens are as scary as their nickname suggests. As they grow
unnaturally large and abnormally fast to produce as much meat as possible,
their meat is often visibly diseased and a health hazard to consumers.

There is no good argument for this type of animal abuse asides profit
maximisation for corporations – because, these fast-growing breeds reach
market weight in just over a month, allowing companies to reduce feeding
and housing costs, thereby increasing their profit margins.

Over 200 companies have pledged to adopt the Better Chicken Commitment
(BCC) to protect chicken welfare, but many are yet to follow through and
act on their promises. It’s time we hold them accountable – NOW:

[ [link removed] ]Whole Foods, Chipotle, Starbucks, and Subway: Stop sourcing
Frankenchicken – employ the Better Chicken Commitment.

[ [link removed] ] Sign the petition 

Thanks for all that you do,
Ildem, Fatah and the team at Ekō

More information:

[ [link removed] ][PDF] Frankenchicken Report 2024
Mercy for Animals 01 November 2024
[ [link removed] ]Who’s selling you Frankenchickens?
The Humane League UK 01 January 2025



Ekō is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.

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