Big cats are in crisis. Right now, there are far more tigers living in captivity in the U.S. than there are left in the wild. And in many states, it is perfectly legal to keep a tiger in your home or backyard.
John, tigers, lions, and all big cats belong in the wild — not in cages. We are fighting right now to urge Congress to pass the Big Cat Public Safety Act to put a stop to the irresponsible private ownership of big cats. We’re also relentlessly filing lawsuits to shut down cruel roadside zoos that abuse and neglect big cats and other animals in their care. Will you stand up for these majestic animals with an urgent donation today? |
Now is the moment to act, when across the country, people are learning of the plight of captive tigers and other big cats, giving us the momentum to enact powerful legal change. So please make a gift today to fight for captive big cats and all abused, neglected, and exploited animals in need of help.
Your support is essential, John, to achieving legal change for animals. It was only with the support of donors like you, that we were able to rescue two African lionesses, Jonwah and Njjarra, who were suffering at Cricket Hollow Zoo.
At the time of their rescue, an emergency veterinary assessment indicated that Njjarra was severely underweight and suffering from cataracts, and Jonwah was emaciated — her bones and vertebrae visible. Due to extreme hunger, Jonwah had been eating the straw provided to her as bedding which formed a painful, life-threatening blockage in her intestines. |
Using the Endangered Species Act (ESA), we sued Cricket Hollow Zoo and won, allowing us to rehome Jonwah and Njjarra to a reputable sanctuary. This landmark legal victory extended ESA protections to all endangered animals in captivity — providing strong legal precedent to sue other facilities keeping endangered animals in horrible conditions. And the Big Cat Public Safety Act will add another layer of strong legal protection for captive wild animals by preventing abusive private ownership of big cats.
We’re closer than ever to securing federal legislation that would protect big cats, but we need your support to see this fight through to the end — and win! So please stand with us and with animals again today. Animals deserve a life free from pain and suffering — help us make that life a reality for them. |
For the animals,
Kim Kelly
Director of Legislative Affairs
This email was sent to [email protected].
© 2020 Animal Legal Defense Fund
525 East Cotati Avenue, Cotati, CA 94931 | (707) 795-2533