Friend, Barbara Bollier can turn Kansas BLUE in November >>

Hi there,
Democrats need to pick up four seats in order to take back the Senate — and all eyes are on Dr. Barbara Bollier's Senate run in Kansas.
Barbara is a physician, state legislator, and ally of Kansan women and families.
She can become Kansas' first Democratic woman senator, the Senate's first woman physician to serve, and Kansas' first Democratic senator since 1939.
Donate to help elect Barbara Bollier (and all of our endorsed women) to the Senate and reach our $150,000 End-of-Month goal.
She's up against potential opponent Kris Kobach, an extremist Republican with a losing record. The latest poll shows her down by just one point — 44% to 43% — which is within the margin of error.
This race is only going to heat up, and meeting our End-of-Month fundraising goal means women like Barbara will have the early support they need to win.
Donate to help raise $150,000 by midnight on Sunday:
Thanks so much,
Karen Defilippi
Vice President of Federal and Gubernatorial Campaigns, EMILY's List
