Team, here’s what the numbers look like:

Already in this race, Joe Biden has raised over $22 million. Kamala Harris has raised over $25 million. Pete Buttigieg has raised over $32.3 million. Elizabeth Warren has raised over $35.6 million. Bernie Sanders has raised over $46.3 million. And Tom Steyer has pledged to spend $100 million of his personal fortune.

Will you donate right now to help us catch up to these fundraising hauls? We can’t afford to fall behind.

I’m not a billionaire, and I can’t personally spend millions of dollars on this race like some folks are doing. I rely on grassroots donations of $3, $5, and $20 from people like you to fund our program.

Our organizers are on the ground giving it their all, but it will be hard to compete with others if they continue to outraise us. Members of this team are out there every single day knocking on doors, making phone calls, and hosting events to share our message with voters across the country -- they’re making real progress and building momentum, so let’s give them the resources they need to keep going.

Will you chip in to help us catch up with the millions of dollars that are being brought into this race? Money alone won’t win this, but it will allow us to continue to grow our program on the ground.

We can’t do it without you,


Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

Contributions or gifts to Cory 2020 are not tax deductible.

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