Breitbart, the neo-Nazi propaganda outlet founded by MAGA criminal Steve Bannon, doesn’t agree with me on much.
But this week, I spoke to CNN’s News Central about the latest reckless, insulting, and unquestionably illegal DOGE trap for federal employees…and can you guess who published my words verbatim?
You can read the full (surprisingly un-editorialized) text here. Bolding is mine:
“When asked about a DOGE email to federal workers, Casten said, ‘This is a violation of labor contracts, labor law. We should say no.’
He continued, ‘From a national security perspective, what possible good comes from asking people who are doing classified work to report through an unsecured email server what they were doing last week, which is why the secretary of Defense, the head of NSA, the head of the FBI, have told their employees not to comply.’
Casten added, ‘Purely from a managerial perspective, I want people who are listening to imagine that you got this email tomorrow from your boss’s boss’s boss’s boss’s boss, who knows nothing about what you do, who is essentially telling every intermediary that they are doing a bad job. This would be like Tim Cook sending that email to every single Apple store employee. If Tim Cook did that, we would say Tim Cook is past his due date and doesn’t know how to run a company anymore. That’s the issue right now.
So my strong advice to all of our federal employees is you took an oath to the Constitution. You took an oath to your country. You did not take an oath to this sundowning and incompetent person running the White House.’”
I said what I said.
Once-in-a-lifetime kudos to Breitbart for sharing an actual opposing perspective; that’s more than I can say for the starry-eyed MAGA groupies at Fox "News" and OAN.
As long as Trump and co-president Elon continue their systematic dismantling of American freedom, I’ll continue unapologetically exercising my right to expose their B.S. anywhere and everywhere I can.
If you’d like to support my efforts, consider making a small contribution here. Those of us who believe in freedom, democracy, and truth need to stick together.
Thanks for reading,
Sean Casten