From Elise Stefanik <[email protected]>
Subject This battle is personal for me
Date February 27, 2025 11:00 PM
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I refuse to let the Left get away with this…

A Private Note from Rep. Elise Stefanik before the End-of-Month Deadline


Over the course of the last election cycle, I transferred millions of dollars
of my campaign’s own funds to ensure we had the House majority we needed to
Make America Great Again!

Now, as that majority comes under renewed threat from Far Left Democrats, I’m
stepping up again to help DEFEND it from an onslaught of vicious attacks.

And with just over 24 hours to go until we have to close the books on the
month, we’re still$29,430 behind our target!

This battle is personal for me, John.

After everything we accomplished, I cannot simply stand by while extremist
Democrats plot to undo all our hard work by flipping a handful of critical
House seats.

If Far Left radicals succeed in using their BILLIONS to undermine the will of
the American people andBUY the people’s House out from under us, our country
will be just one step away from catastrophe!

I’ll be honest with you, John: After we emptied our war chest to SAVE AMERICA
in November, we’ve been running dangerously low on funds so far this year.

If we miss this goal, building the war chest we need to compete with the
Democrats in 2026 is going to become much more difficult.

That is why I’ve called in every favor I have with generous conservative
donors and secured a500% MATCH to ensure your contributions go as far as
possible before tomorrow’s end-of-month deadline.

I’ve done everything I can, John. Now, I'm counting on thousands of grassroots
conservatives likeYOU to once again come through for me when it matters most.

So please, make a contribution of ANY amount to take advantage of this 500%
match before the end-of-month deadline – and together, we’ll PROTECT and EXPAND
the America First House Majority!
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CONTRIBUTE $25 >> $150
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CONTRIBUTE $50 >> $300
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CONTRIBUTE $75 >> $450
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CONTRIBUTE $100 >> $600
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CONTRIBUTE $250 >> $1,500
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Thank you and God bless,

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Rep. Elise Stefanik

Paid for by Team Elise, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and
composed of Elise for Congress and E-PAC.

PO Box 500 Glens Falls, NY 12801

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