Dear Friend, |
Since President Trump took office, he has wasted no time signing a flurry of anti-environmental executive orders, dismantling federal agencies, and censoring climate data. But Earthjustice is fighting back. |
We recently filed two lawsuits against this administration. |
Our first lawsuit challenges President Trump’s illegal attempt to sell our oceans to the oil and gas industry. He tried a similar move in 2017. We stopped him then, and we will do it again. |
Our second lawsuit challenges the scrubbing of climate data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s websites. Farmers rely on this data to adapt to extreme weather and keep our food supply safe. Our lawsuit seeks to compel the Trump administration to end its climate censorship and restore access to this vital information. |
For 50 years and through 14 presidential administrations, we’ve fought to protect the ocean from the oil and gas industry. We’ve fought to make a more climate-safe food system. We’ve fought hard for pollution-free air and water. And regardless of who is in the office, we will keep fighting. |
Throughout it all, you, as Earthjustice advocates, have been by our side in defending policies that aim to build lasting environmental protections, and we cannot let this new administration erase the progress we’ve made together. No matter what comes, we won’t cede our ground. |
Our fight to protect the environment is more important than ever, and we’ll need you in our corner as we forge ahead. Click here to take all the actions below on one page! |