Congress is set to vote in the coming weeks on the No Bailouts for Sanctuary Cities Act, a cruel piece of legislation that would force cities and states to participate in Trump’s mass deportation machine or else lose government funding, impacting critical services for all residents. If Congress votes yes on the No Bailouts for Sanctuary Cities Act, it would set a dangerous precedent of holding federal funding hostage to coerce states into complying with an administration’s unjust demands, undermining local autonomy and threatening critical services for entire communities.
Cities and states should not be bullied into helping to separate families and tear communities apart-we must not trade the safety of our immigrant brothers and sisters for government funding. Send a direct message to your members of Congress and demand they vote against the No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act.
Just some of the programs and services that would be impacted by the loss of funding are:
National School Lunch Program funding, and other forms of federal support for schools, despite the fact that schools are not allowed to refuse enrollment by undocumented students.
Emergency Medicaid, which provides states with funding for emergency care for people ineligible for Medicaid due to their immigration status. In the case of public hospitals run by a city or county, all federal funding for uncompensated care, such as Medicaid payments to hospitals with large numbers of poor patients,, could be at risk.
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Emergency Food Assistance Program, and other nutrition programs that support food banks and other community partners that do not restrict help by immigration status.
Violence Against Women Act grants, such as those supporting violence crisis centers that do not turn away people based on their immigration status.
Taking away funding for these vital programs would throw communities into chaos and disproportionately harm low-income and marginalized Black and Brown communities. It would deepen poverty, tear families apart, and force cities and states to choose between protecting their residents or surrendering to an administration’s unjust demands. No community should have to trade its safety, dignity, and stability for the funding it rightfully deserves
Congress needs to hear from you. Send them a letter telling them to reject inflicting pain and suffering on communities and vote against the No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act.
Thank you for all you do,
Dominique Espinoza,
Policy and Strategic Partnerships Manager, CHN Action