Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Thursday, February 27, 2025
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
Tales From The Trans Front
Virtually the entire educational establishment in Washington state is coming down hard on Frances Staudt, a 15 year-old girl. What is her alleged offense? She wanted to play junior varsity girls’ basketball. Her school, however, insisted on forcing Frances to play against a team that included a boy.
This wasn’t just any boy. He was 18 years-old. A full-grown man. Playing against a girls JV team.
During warmups, Frances noticed something odd about the player on the other team. She asked her school principal and athletic director if the player was a man. “No,” they said. “The player is transgender and identifies as a woman.”
Frances asked that he not be allowed to play, but her principal and athletic director sided with the man. So, Frances sat out the game. Alone. By herself. All the other girls on her team were too afraid to take a stand or, in this case, take a seat.
That’s one of the real dangers of this movement. Like the LGBTQ movement generally, the trans movement specifically is often violent and intimidating, and it takes away our rights. Frances’s rights were taken away.
Frustrated by all the absurdity, when the game was over, Frances told the male players, “You’re a man.” Well, in the left’s upside-down world, telling the truth gets you in trouble.
The school district sent a letter notifying Frances that she is under investigation for violating state and school policies for intentionally misgendering someone. She’s now on probation and faces serious consequences if there are other incidents.
Censured & Censored
Meanwhile, on the other end of the country, there’s the case of Maine State Representative Laurel Libby. She, too, had the audacity to speak the truth -- that a boy cheated in the Maine girls’ pole vault competition. He won first place this year after mediocre performances last year on the boys’ team.
For pointing out a biological fact, Democrats, who control the state House, censured and censored Libby. She was stripped of her right to speak on the House floor and to vote on behalf of her constituents until she goes to the floor and apologizes for her “blatant bigotry.”
This is a clear example of the intolerant left’s impulse generally, and of the LGBTQ movement especially, to shut down speech. It’s why leftists in Europe and America were so furious when J.D. Vance dared to lecture Europe about their increasing efforts to restrict free speech.
I don’t know if Massachusetts Senator Pocahontas Warren is paying attention or not. She should just say, “I’m tired of all the mocking. I have known my entire life that I was an indigenous person. Anyone who says I’m not, who claims that I’m white, God forbid, I’ll accuse of hate crimes because I identify as Cherokee.”
Remember Rachel Dolezal? She claimed to be “trans black” – a white woman who identified as black. It worked for a while. She actually became the president of a local NAACP chapter. But her parents “outed” her as white.
But if you can change your gender, why can’t you change your race? Maybe the left owes Dolezal an apology.
Sarcasm aside, the left is waging war on reality. Like the Orwellian government in 1984, the left is demanding that we say “2 + 2 = 5” or we will be tortured forever.
Donald Trump understood from day one how important this was. Most Republicans did not, but he taught them. Many in the church still don’t get what this has to do with them.
They say, “We need to love these people.” Well, pastor, they are insisting that you lie by calling a man “she.” One of the Ten Commandments is “Do not bear false witness.” And your reaction to this is we need to love them? That would be after you defeat their insane demands and the threat they represent to our freedom.
This is a very, very, very, very important issue, and it is vital to the survival of the Republic.
Bezos Bombshell
Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon and owner of the Washington Post, dropped a bombshell yesterday. In an open statement, he announced that the Post’s editorial page would be taking a new direction. He wrote:
“We are going to be writing every day in support and defense of two pillars: personal liberties and free markets. We’ll cover other topics too, of course, but viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others. . .
“I am of America and for America, and proud to be so. Our country did not get here by being typical. And a big part of America’s success has been freedom in the economic realm and everywhere else. . .
“I’m confident that free markets and personal liberties are right for America. I also believe these viewpoints are underserved in the current market of ideas and news opinion. I’m excited for us together to fill that void.”
Notice how Bezos defined America – “not typical.” He can’t quite yet bring himself to say, “America is exceptional,” but it takes a while to wean yourself off of leftist ideology.
Bezos said he asked the editorial page editor if he could enthusiastically embrace this new mission to promote free markets and personal liberty. The editor resigned.
The opinion editor of the Washington Post found it a bridge too far to work for someone who believes free markets and personal liberty are essential to America’s success. That speaks volumes.
Meanwhile, the rage level of Washington Post staff members, 99.9% of whom list their preferred pronouns, is bordering on a riot.
I’m under no illusions that the Washington Post is about to read like my “End of Day” reports. There are major differences on what “personal liberty” means. To some, it means abortion and same-sex marriage. We believe in ordered liberty under God.
And what exactly are “free markets”? Is a free market one where we trade with nations that heavily subsidize their industries and employ slave labor, like communist China? A lot of economists and libertarians think it is.
We have journalists who don’t believe in free speech. We have doctors who don’t believe in biology. We have lawyers and judges who don’t believe their purpose is to serve the law, but rather “bend the arc of history.”
With Trump and his team back in power we’ve got a chance to save the country. But there’s a lot of work to do to make America great again.
Tapper’s Tall Tales
While I’m on the subject of the media, have you heard about Jake Tapper’s new book?
Here’s the title: Original Sin: President Biden’s Decline, Its Cover-Up, and His Disastrous Choice to Run Again.
You can’t make this stuff up! It’s like a book by Jack the Ripper on how to attract women. Not something you want to read.
Tapper is cashing in on the very thing he once condemned – the idea that Joe Biden wasn’t fit for the job. Let’s roll the tape.
Talk about chutzpah!
I might be interested in reading Tapper’s book if this was the title: “Original Sin: President Biden’s Decline & How I Covered It Up.”
A Line In The Sand
As I looked over the headlines and the items in today’s report, I was reminded about the story of Colonel William Travis.
Colonel Travis was the commander of the defending forces at the Alamo. Seeing the reality around him, he drew a line in the sand with his sword and gathered his men.
Travis stood alone on one side of the line, and his men were on the other side. He asked who wanted to leave and who was willing to stay, stand with him, and fight to the death. All but one man crossed the line to stand with Travis.
It is that kind of moment in America.
Think about the choices some people are making today. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is crossing the line to stand with MAGA Republicans. Others like Paul Ryan and Liz Cheney are standing with the left.
The Trump Effect
As soon as Joe Biden took office, he immediately started reversing all of Donald Trump’s commonsense border security policies. The results were predictable. The whole world got the message that our borders were wide open, and for four long years millions of illegal aliens poured in.
Well, after just four weeks of the new Trump administration, it’s clear the migrants have gotten a very different message. They are turning around and returning to their home countries.
CNN reports that many migrants are leaving Central America and returning to South America on boats. Maybe they got visions of Gitmo in their heads and decided to go home.
Fighting For Our Values
President Donald Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance have been in office just a little over one month. What they have accomplished in that time is truly remarkable, especially when it comes to the values people of faith cherish.
Read more in my latest opinion piece at The Stream.
