Apply for a DNR trail advisory workgroup position.
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DNR banner with link to website [ [link removed] ]A kayak and paddle rest on a sandbar in the middle of the Rifle River.
Calling all trails enthusiasts!
"Apply by March 15 for one of our open advisory workgroup spots"
If you’d like to help shape state-designated routes and pathways throughout Michigan, we invite you to apply for one of several volunteer positions now open for two of the DNR's advisory workgroups.
Positions are available on both the Nonmotorized Advisory Workgroup, [ [link removed] ] or NAW, and the Off-Road Vehicle Advisory Workgroup, [ [link removed] ] also known as ORVAW. Both groups are subcommittees of the Michigan Trails Advisory Council, assisting with the council’s duties and responsibilities and providing the DNR advice related to the creation, development, operation and maintenance of the state’s designated trails system – in short, these are teams of true trailblazers!
Details on vacancies
*NAW:* This workgroup, which meets quarterly, is seeking to fill two positions with a focus on water trails. Successful candidates should have an interest in paddling sports, the Great Lakes and our inland lakes and rivers. These positions are two-year terms.
Apply for a NAW spot ► [ [link removed] ]
*ORVAW:* Four new positions are available for this workgroup following passage of new bylaws that expanded the committee from seven to 11 members. These four-year-term positions include one ORV safety instructor representative, one full-size vehicle user representative and two at-large representatives. ORVAW also meets on a quarterly basis.
Apply for an ORVAW spot ► [ [link removed] ]
We are accepting applications through March 15 and would love to hear from you and other trail lovers you know.
Questions? Contact Tim Novak <
[email protected]> at 517-388-8347.
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