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Environmental Defense Fund
A polar bear and their cub with

As the Arctic warms — FOUR times faster than the rest of Earth — melting sea ice leaves polar bears and their cubs either waiting on land, unable to hunt for their next meal, or at risk of drowning as they swim for hours or even days to find food.

John, today on International Polar Bear Day, you can do something to prevent that tragic fate. EDF is working to cut methane pollution and slow global warming to save sea ice and polar bears — and you can be part of it.

Will you join us and fight climate change by donating before midnight tonight? If you donate, the Robert W. Wilson Charitable Trust will match your first donation to EDF $1 for $1, doubling your impact.

Protect polar bears

Double your impact with a $1-for-$1 match

$25 = $50 value

Donate $25

$35 = $70 value

Donate $35

$50 = $100 value

Donate $50

$100 = $200 value

Donate $100

Tackling methane is critical to prevent Arctic summer sea ice — and polar bears — from disappearing. That’s because methane is responsible for up to 1/3 of today’s global warming and has 80 times more warming power than carbon dioxide in its first 20 years in the atmosphere.

EDF has been tackling methane pollution for over a decade. And your support will go to work to:

arrow bullet Fight against any efforts to roll back progress by working with other environmental leaders and many allies.

arrow bullet Help slash methane from the oil and gas industry — the fastest way to slow the rate of global warming this decade — and save Arctic summer sea ice for polar bears.

arrow bullet Leverage data from EDF’s methane-detecting satellite, MethaneSAT, to pinpoint sources of methane pollution, plug leaks and hold polluters accountable.

arrow bullet Partner with farmers on science-based solutions to cut methane pollution, make food production more sustainable, strengthen soil health and conserve water.

arrow bullet Take on big polluters and oppose their attacks on clean air and other important protections for our environment and health.

Our hard-won climate progress and long-standing environmental protections are under attack. We need you with us now more than ever. Your support today shows you’re fighting back against policies that harm the wildlife, special places and communities you love.

From polar bears in the Arctic to your community, EDF is working to stabilize our climate to ensure that people and nature can thrive. Please donate today in honor of International Polar Bear Day to help fight climate change and build a vital Earth for everyone.

Thank you for all you do to help polar bears, people and our planet!

Emily Stevenson
Senior Manager, Online Membership