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Subject IR-2025-28: ax documents added to IRS Individual Online Account tool, enhancing services and convenience for taxpayers 
Date February 27, 2025 7:39 PM
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IRS Newswire February 27, 2025

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Issue Number:    IR-2025-28

Inside This Issue

*Tax documents added to IRS Individual Online Account tool, enhancing services and convenience for taxpayers* 

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service announced today it’s making it easier for taxpayers to file their taxes by adding information return documents to their IRS Individual Online Account [ [link removed] ], helping consolidate important tax records into one digital location. 

The first information returns to be added are Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement and Form 1095-A, Health Insurance Marketplace Statement. These forms will be available for tax years 2023 and 2024 under the Records and Status tab in the taxpayer’s Online Account. 

Adding these forms to the IRS Individual Online Account demonstrates the IRS’s ongoing efforts to modernize and enhance taxpayers’ ability to quickly and securely access their tax planning information. In the coming months, the IRS plans to add more information return documents to Individual Online Account. 

Adding information returns like the Form W-2 to the IRS Individual Online Account makes keeping track of critical tax planning information even simpler. 

Information return documents are filed and required to be reported to payees and the IRS by employers, financial institutions, government agencies and other payers. They provide information that can help people file their taxes. 

Only information return documents issued in the taxpayer’s name will be available in their Online Account. Their spouse must log into their own Online Account to retrieve their information return documents. This is true whether they file a joint or separate return. Importantly, state and local tax information, including state and local tax information on the Form W-2, will not be available on Individual Online Account. Filers should continue to keep the records mailed to them by the original reporter. 

*Create an IRS Individual Online Account*

Individuals can create or access their Online Account on at Online Account for Individuals [ [link removed] ]. In addition to Forms W-2 and 1095-A, people can: 

* View key details from their most recent tax return, such as Adjusted Gross Income.
* Request an Identity Protection PIN [ [link removed] ] and view it throughout the year.
* Check refund status.
* Get account transcripts, including wage and income records.
* Sign tax forms like powers of attorney or tax information authorizations.
* View and edit language preferences and alternative media.
* Receive and view over 200 IRS electronic notices.
* View, make and cancel payments.
* Set up or change payment plans and check their balance. 

Even if taxpayers still have missing or incorrect documents, they should file their tax return on time. If they don’t receive an information return document, or if it’s incorrect or lost, taxpayers should contact their employer, payer or issuing agency and request a copy of the missing document or a corrected document. This year's tax deadline is April 15 for most filers. For more information, read Tax Topic 154 [ [link removed] ], Form W-2 and Form 1099-R (what to do if incorrect or not received), on [ [link removed] ].

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