Idk about you… but pretty much every day there’s a news story about the dumpster fire that is the Trump Administration that makes me so angry I could scream. And I know I’m not the only one who feels this way!
Thankfully, I have work at Voters of Tomorrow to focus on. And right now we’re all in on Wisconsin’s Supreme Court race.
On April 1st, Wisconsin’s voting for a new Supreme Court justice, and this choice will decide if the Court goes liberal or conservative. Even though these elections aren’t supposed to be about party politics, the decision will seriously affect the rights that impact Gen Zers in the future.
So, Voters of Tomorrow is hosting a youth phone bank EVERY Tuesday until the election to mobilize Gen Zers to vote.
Now you might be wondering, how is calling Wisconsin students going to help??
Because many students don’t know that justices in Wisconsin get 10 year terms AND they have the power to protect voting rights and abortion rights in the state!
We know how close elections can be, and with hundreds of thousands of college students in Wisconsin, we have to make sure the youth vote is heard. VOT will never stop mobilizing our peers and we’ll never stop fighting for a future we can be proud of.
John, if you or anyone you know wants to be a part of change, they can sign up to phone bank by clicking this link or the button below. >>
Thanks for taking the time to read what we’re up to!
Bayly H.
Chief of Staff, Voters of Tomorrow