Good afternoon 


Thanks to your support, the campaign made great progress at the start of the year - assisted dying shot up the political agenda. Although a lot of things have changed since then, our mission hasn’t. We need you to keep up this momentum and let decision makers know that while meetings and events can be postponed, bad deaths from terminal illnesses cannot be. 


We need supporters like you to be ready and raring to go - equipped with the cutting edge facts and the most convincing arguments for change. 


Which is why I’d like to introduce a great new resource, Assisted Dying: The Case for Change.


This powerful little booklet details everything you need to know - exactly what we are all working towards, why the current situation is unacceptable and why change is needed so urgently. 

There are so many vital arguments for an assisted dying law.


What do you think is the most important reason why the law on assisted dying needs to change?

We want to help people be more informed, be confident in their arguments - basically be the best advocates for change they can possibly be. And the more voices we have with the same information, making the same case, the better. 


Spend 10 minutes today making sure you know the arguments for change, then send them to a friend!


Stay well - I'll be in touch soon. 


All the best, 

Sadie Kempner

Dignity in Dying


P.S. Remember to share the Case for Change on social media or by email, and start a conversation with the people that matter to you about the importance of choice at the end of life. 

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Dignity in Dying
181 Oxford Street
London, England W1D 2JT
United Kingdom
