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Subject Gregory Shupak on Palestine Ethnic Cleansing, Portia Allen-Kyle on Tax Unfairness
Date February 21, 2025 5:02 PM
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Gregory Shupak on Palestine Ethnic Cleansing, Portia Allen-Kyle on Tax Unfairness CounterSpin ([link removed])

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CNN: Arab leaders to gather for postwar Gaza proposal to counter Trump’s ‘Riviera’ plan

CNN (2/21/25 ([link removed]) )

This week on CounterSpin: Donald Trump has declared ([link removed]) that the US is going to “take over” the Gaza Strip, that the Palestinians who live there will be “permanently” exiled. Asked whether Palestinians would have the right to return to Gaza under his scheme, Trump said ([link removed]) “no.” But even those corporate media who aren’t actually endorsing ([link removed]) this illegal, inhumane plan still can’t seem to find it in themselves to call it what it is: ethnic cleansing.

Media critic, activist and teacher Gregory Shupak ([link removed]) has been looking into big media’s systematic refusal ([link removed]) to use appropriate language about the human rights crimes unfolding before our eyes in Palestine. He teaches English and media studies at the University of Guelph-Humber in Toronto, and he’s author of the book The Wrong Story: Palestine, Israel and the Media ([link removed]) , from OR Books.

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A couple does their taxes, in an image from the report Preying Preparers.

Color of Change/Better IRS (3/24 ([link removed]) )

Also on the show: There is a deep, if muddled, sense that the US tax system is unfair. The little guy pays too much and rich folks and corporations find loopholes and offshore accounts. And then, on a different page, there’s a story about how “we” as a country just don’t have “enough resources” to allow school kids to eat lunch, because that would mean the dreaded higher taxes! But we will shell out another billion for a fighter plane, and shut up about that.

Media outlets that fail to make meaningful connections—between those clever offshore accounts and the supposed inability to fund school lunch; between cutting funding for the IRS and doubling down on people who use the Earned Income Tax Credit—are certainly not the ones to look to for an understanding of the racial impacts of supposedly neutral tax policy and practices, however demonstrable those impacts may be. We’ll talk about that with Portia Allen-Kyle, interim executive director at Color of Change ([link removed]) and author of the report Preying Preparers ([link removed]) .

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