Email from PM Press --------40% off Education---------"Direct action, as opposed to reliance on "official" bureaucratic channels, is the preferred tactic to settle grievances." 40% OFF EDUCATION WITH COUPON CODE: LOVERS Education should augment the class consciousness generated by conflicts experienced at work and at school. Direct action, as opposed to reliance on "official" bureaucratic channels, is the preferred tactic to settle grievances. EXPLORE EDUCATION $24.95 $14.97 BUY HERE $17.00 $10.20 BUY HERE $24.95 $14.97 BUY HERE $14.95 $8.97 BUY HERE --$20.00 $12.00 BUY HERE $20.00 $12.00 BUY HERE --$20.00 $12.00 BUY HERE $19.95 $11.97 BUY HERE $16.95 $10.17 BUY HERE $28.95 $17.37 BUY HERE $24.95 $14.97 BUY HERE $24.95 $14.97 BUY HERE $22.00 $13.20 BUY HERE --$20.00 $12.00 BUY HERE --$20.00 $12.00 BUY HERE EXPLORE EDUCATION 40% OFF ANARCHISM WITH CODE "LOVERS" 40% OFF PUNK WITH CODE "LOVERS" 40% OFF EDUCATION WITH COUPON CODE "LOVERS" PM Press | PO Box 23912 | Oakland, CA 94623 US Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice