James — Bernie is launching his Fight Oligarchy tour in the Midwest TONIGHT. He’s going directly to the people to build our movement to fight back against Trump and Musk’s plans to PLUNDER our tax dollars, CUT critical services like Medicaid, and ENRICH billionaires with another round of massive tax breaks.
As Bernie hits the road, Our Revolution is organizing folks on the ground in Washington DC and congressional districts across the country — training and mobilizing a Citizen Army to pressure lawmakers to stand up to Trump and the Oligarchs. Chip in to help support this work >>
Trump, Musk, and the GOP are eager to pass $4.5 trillion in tax breaks for billionaires and corporations, but we’re ready to stand in their way.
Bernie, Our Revolution, and the coalitions we’re forging around the country are working in tandem to mount a powerful opposition to Trump and the Oligarchs, while pushing to advance the ideas and policies we know deliver for the lives of poor and working people.
It’s going to take organized people to speak out and raise the temperature on Congress to stop the Trump 2.0 tax cuts. We only need to pick off a few Republicans to block this handout to the wealthy that will harm working class people in THEIR districts as well.
Can you chip in today to help Our Revolution and Bernie build our opposition movement against Trump and Musk?
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Think how unpopular this would be: Trump and the GOP are pushing a giant budget bill that would slash funding for Medicaid, nutrition assistance, education, housing, and much more just to hand the ultra-rich another $4.5 trillion in tax breaks.
They want to destroy the government services people rely on and privatize the government so we all become reliant on Tesla, SpaceX, Amazon, and other for-profit corporations.
Bernie has a message for the people on his tour and in his latest Guardian op-ed — we can stop this Trump-Musk Oligarchy if we fight together.
Our Citizen Action Team is strategizing and mobilizing to keep Democrats in line and pressure Republicans — we only need two House Republicans to flip. They can’t afford to betray their constituents with the midterms coming up, and we are using a megaphone to expose exactly how this wealth transfer to the ultra-rich paired with deep cuts to crucial public programs would directly harm their own voting base.
We have leverage and we can exert the pressure necessary to block Trump’s disastrous budget scheme.
Can you make an urgent donation today to help us stop Trump, Musk, and the Oligarchy from slashing social services and cutting taxes for billionaires?
When we organize, we win.
Our Revolution