Hi there,
When our hearts ache thinking about the suffering of farmed animals—that’s what makes us human.
When we keep acting on our compassion, day after day; when we tackle the monumental problem of factory farming with laser focus and data-driven strategy; when we throw all our power into ending the worst forms of animal cruelty, one corporation at a time—that’s what makes us successful.
I’m writing today to ask you to join The Heart Beat, our community of monthly donors who are showing up for farmed animals in the long term. Your gift right now will be matched for six months.
MATCH MY FIRST SIX GIFTS [[link removed]]
Hundreds of food corporations with cage-free commitments have deadlines in 2025. Now, 2025 is here—and it’s essential that we hold companies accountable to the promises they made. This is perhaps our most critical year yet in the multi-decade fight to end the abuse of animals raised for food.
With focused, strategic pressure, we can eliminate battery cages from factory farms. This fight gives us a blueprint for how we transform other industries abusing animals—and ultimately, how we end factory farming. But we need to give this year everything we’ve got.
Starting a monthly gift is a strategic, tangible, and effective way to change the lives of animals. Will you help us escalate the fight this year?
COUNT ME IN [[link removed]]
We are intentional about ending animal abuse. We are strategic. We are focused. And that is what makes us so terrifying to the factory farming industry. Because while the big victories matter—they fuel us, they inspire us, they remind us what’s possible—it’s the slow march of progress that seeds lasting transformation.
Sometimes, on a hectic day, I say this to myself:
“Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.”
For the animals who need us,
Alison Hansen-Decelles
Development Team
P.S. In times that can feel turbulent, it brings me a lot of peace to know that I’m part of this community determinedly taking down systems of cruelty. Day after day. Month after month. Will you join our monthly giving community?
JOIN THE HEART BEAT [[link removed]]
P.P.S. I just couldn't resist sharing this breaking news: Walmart, the world's largest retailer, recently announced new guidelines for egg suppliers to prevent the killing of newborn male chicks—building on our decade of advocacy for this life-saving technology. This is the kind of transformation we help create together when we stay focused and strategic. Thank you for being part of this progress.
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We exist to end the abuse of animals raised for food. But we can’t do it without you. The Humane League is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization ranked "Best In America" by the Independent Charities of America and ranked one of the world's most effective animal protection organizations by Animal Charity Evaluators. Our federal EIN is 04-3817491.
Copyright © 2025 The Humane League, All rights reserved.
The Humane League | PO Box 10476 | Rockville, MD 20849
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