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The Unz Review Digest - May 29, 2020

Ranking first this last week was my own column about our webzine’s sudden recent near-simultaneous purge by both Facebook and Google, with the latter now “disappearing” all our millions of articles from its search results and the timing of these developments being quite suspicious.  For years we had published the most controversial articles imaginable, on all sorts of topics avoided by nearly every other webzine, and without any problems whatsoever.  Yet just eight days after my latest American Pravda article ran, we were banned by Facebook, with the Google ban following a few days later.  My article pointed to the very strong circumstantial evidence that the worldwide Covid-19 outbreak represented American biowarfare attack against China (and Iran), and with over 100,000 American dead and our economy wrecked, it’s easy to understand why enormous pressure was applied to our Internet gatekeepers to apply censorship and cut short its rapidly growing circulation.  I also noted that just two days after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo unsuccessfully demanded that Israel severe its economic ties with China, the Chinese ambassador was found dead of unknown causes, another highly suspicious development.  These questions were vigorously debated in nearly 500 comments totaling nearly 60,000 words.

Placing second was Israel Shamir’s discussion of some of the other highly suspicious aspects of the Coronavirus outbreak, including the massive threat to civil liberties posed by the lockdowns endorsed by most Western governments, and the rise of AI controls.

But with the epidemic now seeming to somewhat recede both in our society and our media headlines, other topics dominated the remainder of our list.  Steve Sailer suggested that the recent decision of the prestigious University of California to abandon use of the SAT in admissions decisions may have been motivated by the continuing rise of Asian scores on such standardized tests, which led to over-enrollment of that high-achieving group.  Philip Giraldi focused on the vigorous attempts of Zionist groups to circumvent our traditional freedom of speech by outlawing public criticism of Israel or Jews.  John Derbyshire argued that along China faces serious problems in the emerging bipolar world, those of the US seem far worse.  And commenter “Intelligent Dasein” published a 22,000 word essay denouncing the philosophical basis of the Darwinism and racial classifications represented in “HBD” analysis.

The American Deep State Strikes Back
After several months of record-breaking traffic our alternative media webzine suffered a sharp blow when it was suddenly purged by Facebook at the end of April. Not only was our rudimentary Facebook page eliminated, but all subsequent attempts by readers to post our articles to the world's largest social network produced an error message describing... Read More
I like conspiracy theories; they attempt to inject meaning into otherwise meaningless sets of assorted facts. They bring Logos into our life, as our friend E. Michael Jones would say. An enemy of conspiracy theories would write in the New York Times denouncing Sir Isaac Newton as a notorious conspiracy theorist: out of totally disconnected... Read More
My best guess for why the SAT is falling out of favor, as exemplified by it getting Cancelled at the U. of California campuses, would be what you see in this 2019 graph by Unsilenced Science: Namely, Asians have been pulling away from everybody else on the SAT college admissions test, especially since David "Common... Read More
Words to criticize Israel are fast disappearing
Regular visitors to this site will be aware that I frequently write about the massive propaganda campaign being run by supporters of Israel to conceal the damage done by the Jewish state to actual United States’ interests. One of the more interesting aspects of that effort is the bowdlerization of language to extirpate some words... Read More
[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through] See also: GOP Plans To Scapegoat China. But That Must Include ENDING CHINESE IMMIGRATION! One thing that, it seems to me, is much more apparent than it was three months ago: we are living in a bipolar world, or soon shall be. I know... Read More
[As noted yesterday, the following essay was written by a reader and commenter who requested the opportunity. In the spirit of the open inquiry and free expression UR is renowned for, its contents are neither endorsed nor condemned by this blog or webzine. On account of the essay's thoughtfulness, though, it has been deemed worthy... Read More
Previously on SBPDL: In 2018 Nashville, TN (a 56% White City), Non-Whites Committed 93% of Non-Fatal Shootings and 84.6% of Homicides   Shot. [Michigan militia puts armed protest in the spotlight, Associated Press, May 2, 2020]: Gun-carrying protesters have been a common sight at some demonstrations calling for coronavirus-related restrictions to be lifted. But an... Read More
As data has crept in over the past few months, it has become incontrovertibly clear what we already kind of knew since the Princess Diamond days - that IFR is ~1%. Consequently, unless Corona mortality "hotspots" were a figment of our collective imaginations, the percentage of people who have been infected with the novel coronavirus... Read More
The Global War on Terror or GWOT was declared in the wake of 9/11 by President George W. Bush. It basically committed the United States to work to eliminate all “terrorist” groups worldwide, whether or not the countries being targeted agreed that they were beset by terrorists and whether or not they welcomed U.S. “help.”... Read More
Mystery Remains About the Death of the Chinese Ambassador
Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Israel. Courtesy of the Chinese Embassy in Israel, via Reuters
On Sunday morning May 17th, China's Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in bed inside his official residence in the Tel Aviv upscale suburb of Herzliya. He was 57 years old, married and the father of a son, and had been appointed to his position in February. He was reported to be in... Read More
Can we cut the faux Outrage over ‘The Fed’ and the evil ‘One Percenters’ and focus on illicit Counterfeiting and...
With the national debt reaching absurd heights and personal home/auto/college/credit card debt sucking the joy out of life, it’s long overdue for a fresh look at this ancient topic. If your understanding of financial matters is informed by mainstream news and/or subsidized academics, I’m guessing you may have missed some key points—since both groups love... Read More
Uruguay is a small country on the eastern coast of South America between Argentina and Brazil. Mostly European in demographics, it was long considered the Switzerland of South America because, fearful of the usual local tendency towards dictatorship, it shared power in a plural executive, was early in separating Church and State, in giving votes... Read More
Earlier, by James Fulford: Joe Biden Wants To Talk About Black “Jogger” Ahmaud Arbery—Why Won’t He Talk About These Raped/Murdered White Joggers? When we read about the alleged victims (usually the aggressors) in “Black Lives Matter” hoaxes, we regularly hear people like Ta-Nehisi Coates talk about whites being afraid of “black bodies”—which Steve Sailer refers... Read More
At this time of writing, it is too early to declare the danger over, but at least three out of five Iranian tankers have made it safely to Venezuela (confirmation from TeleSur and PressTV). Furthermore, while we should never say "never", it appears exceedingly unlikely that the US would let three tankers pass only to... Read More
Amidst the worldwide pandemic induced scare most of us have probably lost track of all the other potential dangers which still threaten international peace and stability. Allow me to list just a few headlines which, I strongly believe, deserve much more attention than what they got so far. Here we go: Military Times: "5 Iran... Read More
Do you know who these two race-hustlers are? If you pay attention, you know that Black Lives Matter co-founder Shaun King (a.k.a. Talcum X, Martin Luther Cream, or W.E.B. De Fraud) and lawyer Lee Merritt are Morehouse College buddies who have been partners in anti-white, anti-cop agitation for upwards of two decades. On Tuesday, King... Read More
Nearly 30,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus during the last two weeks, and by some estimates this is a substantial under-count, while the death-toll continues to rapidly mount. Meanwhile, measures to control the spread of this deadly infection have already cost 22 million Americans their jobs, an unprecedented economic collapse that has pushed our... Read More
“The finest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist,” wrote Charles Baudelaire (Paris Spleen). He was wrong: the devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he is God. Do I believe in the existence of the devil? It depends on the definition. I believe that humans are under... Read More
Although the compulsion to travel is universal, nearly all of it is only done virtually, and I’m not just talking about the internet, of course, but reading books, looking at photos, telling and hearing stories, or just thinking. We can’t stand to be confined to one miserable or paradisal spot while knowing everything else is... Read More

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