Dear friend,
Trump's attacks on our environment are reaching new heights. In just the last few days he's gutted the National Environmental Protection Act, the Clean Air Act, and Clean Water Act, putting precious ecosystems and wildlife, our air and water, and our very future on this planet at risk. As the onslaught continues, it's more important than ever to concentrate our grassroots power to protect our climate, our democracy, and our future.
Our Climate Action Hours are an opportunity to do exactly that – in just one hour each month. By joining us you'll get key updates on Trump's destructive agenda and take meaningful action alongside thousands of other people around the country, from wherever you live or work.
Join us on Wednesday, February 26 at 6 pm ET for our February Climate Action Hour!
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In case you missed it, last month more than 12,000 of you signed up to join our first Climate Action Hour! Together, we learned how to make effective phone calls to our members of Congress and we posted on their social media pages to defend crucial climate and clean energy policies. And, thanks to you, we made over 4,000 phone calls to Congress and made hundreds of social media comments.
This month, we'll continue to focus on urging our federal representatives to protect the Inflation Reduction Act – the landmark climate and clean energy law that's under attack by Trump and his friends in Congress. We're focusing on this critical issue because we have a real shot at protecting many of these policies from being repealed or rolled back. These programs are extremely popular in both blue, red and purple states, and many Republican members of Congress have already signaled their support. We can win this!
If you haven't been keeping up with the news or feel like you don't know enough, that's okay! We'll start the Action Hour with a briefing from Sierra Club experts, giving us the latest updates on what's happening in Washington and beyond, and then guide you through the actions we're taking together during the meeting.
For February's Action Hour we're going to write Letters to the Editor of local newspapers together – one of the most effective tactics for influencing local elected officials – and making calls (yes, again!) to our members of Congress. We'll walk you through both actions step by step, providing sample messaging that you can adapt to make the most effective case to your elected representative, and give you access to an online tool that makes submitting Letters to the Editor quick and easy.
We've already seen calls to Congress increase by 3,900% across the country since the beginning of the Trump Administration. More and more people are engaging in our Democracy every day. Join us for the next Climate Action Hour – it's a great way for you to take focused, effective action in just one hour each month alongside thousands of other concerned, overwhelmed, dedicated advocates.
WHAT: Climate Action Hour
WHERE: On Zoom, so you can join wherever you live and take action alongside thousands of other Sierra Club advocates around the country
WHEN: February 26 at 3pm PT / 6pm ET for just one hour
RSVP and join thousands of Sierra Club supporters taking action on February 26!
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If you can't make it live, sign up anyway and we'll send you the recording with info on how to take these actions whenever it works best for you.
Sierra Club
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