Our movement is running trainings on how to respond

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Hey John, Team Sunrise here.

In just 30 days, Trump has doubled down on his anti-climate agenda. He has handed more power to polluters by gutting the EPA, tried to end renewable energy subsidies, and left the Paris Climate Accords. He’s even removing existing federal electric vehicle chargers. With every action, he makes it clear: his government is for billionaires and billionaires alone. This isn’t just a rollback of our progress, it’s a naked power grab. There’s no telling how much of our futures he will burn down to keep fossil fuel CEOs happy.


But we don’t have to wait around. Across the country, young people are organizing “How to End an Oligarchy” teach-ins to expose exactly how Trump and his oligarch buddies operate - and how we can fight back. These teach-ins are about understanding the threat we’re up against and building the strategy we need to win. They may have money, but we have people, and when people organize, we win.

Fossil fuel billionaires have unlimited cash to flood our system with lies. We rely on everyday people like you. Help beat back Trump’s power grab by donating to support these trainings today.

Donate $5 

We are not powerless. But the only way we will win is if we fight back, together.

In Solidarity,

Team Sunrise