Hi John,
“Where is the progressive/Democratic version of CPAC?” This question been asked for over a decade, usually when CPAC (the Conservative Political Action Conference, which just wrapped up its 2025 event) is happening. There have been many progressive gatherings over the years hosted by numerous organizations, but did you know Netroots Nation is the largest and longest-standing?
Our event coming up this August 7-9 in New Orleans will be our 20th anniversary. Unlike CPAC, which is a circus designed to garner media attention, Netroots Nation convenes 3,000+ activists and movement professionals for meaningful conversations, networking, and skills-building.
CPAC’s annual budget is reportedly 10 times ours, with huge dollars from Koch-funded orgs and foreign shadow groups that shape its agenda. But our community — yep, that’s you —creates the amazing content we host, and right now you have a chance to submit your own idea.
➡️ Click here for the guidelines to submit and the submission form.
You can submit a proposal for either a panel or training between now and next Wednesday, March 5.
As always, we'll cover a breadth of critical issues important that affect so many in the country (and world), but this year's event will have a heavy focus on resistance and building power.
As you're considering submitting a session, think about your idea through these lenses:
Resistance/Defense: How do we block Trump and Musk's worst impulses and protect those on the frontlines of the Administration's attacks?
Building Power/Offense: How do we build power and strengthen our movements as we work toward creating a more equal and just world?
You can also submit a proposal for a skills-based training. We’re looking for sessions that are practical, forward-thinking, and dynamic — and that appeal to a range of experience levels. Some sample topics we're looking to cover include deep canvassing, using AI ethically, the latest in social media and digital tools, countering disinformation/misinformation, and messaging our values.
Want to talk through an idea or get your questions answered? On Monday, we're hosting some drop-in virtual office hours from 1-4 p.m. ET. Click here to get the Zoom link.
Looking forward to seeing your ideas!
Eric Thut
Netroots Nation
PS: Unlike CPAC, Netroots Nation will never allow chainsaws or Nazis.