Dear John,
President Trump recently signed an executive order to temporarily end the use of federal taxpayer dollars for elective abortion. This is a very positive step, but Congress should take this opportunity to codify permanent language prohibiting federal funds from paying for elective abortions into federal law by passing the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act. This bill has been reintroduced in the 119th Congress—Rep. Chris Smith is sponsoring it in the House, and Senators John Boozman and Roger Wicker are sponsoring it in the Senate.
Send a message to your U.S. representative and senators now, telling them to co-sponsor this bill to stop taxpayer funding for abortion in federal law!
President Trump’s executive order, while significant, could easily be undone by a future pro-abortion administration. Additionally, pro-life provisions such as the Hyde Amendment (which prohibits the Labor, Health and Human Services – LHHS - appropriations bill from funding elective abortions), need to be annually renewed. Democrats have tried to strip this provision from the LHHS bill in the past, and who knows? They may one day be successful.
We need more permanent protections in law prohibiting your tax dollars from paying for abortions.
The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion bill would codify long-standing abortion funding restrictions, such as the Hyde Amendment, by prohibiting any federal taxpayer funds from paying for elective abortion and healthcare plans that include elective abortion.
It’s no secret that when abortion is publicly funded, more abortions occur. This not only promotes elective abortion but also implicates taxpayers like you, who are forced to indirectly participate in funding abortions against their will.
Americans have long opposed taxpayer funding for abortion. A brand-new poll released by the Knights of Columbus found that 57% of Americans (including 33% of Democrats) oppose or strongly oppose using tax dollars to pay for abortions.
So what is Congress waiting for? Tell your U.S. representative and senators to support and co-sponsor the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act today!
Your Friends at FRC Action