From PPI's Progress Report <[email protected]>
Subject To Stop Trump, Democrats Must Reinvent Themselves
Date February 27, 2025 3:30 PM
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Progress Report
News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.
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** To Stop Trump, Democrats Must Reinvent Themselves
By Will Marshall
Founder and President of the Progressive Policy Institute
for The Hil ([link removed]) l ([link removed])
As President Trump ([link removed]) and Congressional Republicans use their slim majorities to try to foist a radical regime change on America, Democrats need to reckon with why they’re watching helplessly from the sidelines.

Having lost control of both the White House and Congress, and with Republicans marching in lockstep, there is little they can do to stop Trump’s drive to monopolize political power and rule by diktat ([link removed]) . Only the courts are putting speed bumps in his way.

Democrats, yoked to the status quo, are extraordinarily unpopular. ([link removed]) Less than a third of Americans view the party favorably, while 57 percent disapprove. Independents are even more likely to express negative views. During the Biden ([link removed]) years, Republicans also erased the Democrats’ longstanding advantage ([link removed]) in party registration.

Progressive activists nonetheless are pressuring party leaders ([link removed]) to make a show of resisting the Trump-Elon Musk ([link removed]) blitzkrieg on the federal government. This is tricky: Democrats are duty-bound to speak out against Trump’s unconstitutional usurpation of legislative power. But they must also avoid falling into the trap of defending a federal bureaucracy most Americans believe is badly broken.
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Like prudent military strategists who plan for every possible contingency, Democrats need to prepare for world more hostile to American interests and liberal values than at any point in living memory — and an America much weaker and far less able to defend them. Dictators in Moscow and Beijing will see their power and influence grow, possibly with Ukraine as a de facto Russian vassal state and Taiwan under China’s thumb. Other democracies could well follow America’s example and elect illiberal, far-right governments of their own, a task made all the easier by Trump’s gutting of USAID and the vital support it provides to those fighting for freedom and democracy abroad.

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** Donald Trump and the End of American Global Leadership
By Tamar Jacoby
Director of the New Ukraine Project
for Washington Monthly ([link removed])

The United States strove for more than 100 years—since we entered World War I in April 1917—to hold its own as leader of the free world. It took Donald Trump precisely one month to abdicate that leadership, destroying everything his predecessors—from Woodrow Wilson to Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan—had built through two global conflicts, the Cold War and the creation of the post-World War II Western alliance. Trump thinks he is strong and making America stronger. But his bullying of Ukraine and capitulation to Vladimir Putin make us immeasurably weaker—a loss of reputation and power never likely to be regained.

Americans sympathetic to Ukraine have long worried that Trump would turn against the country on the receiving end of Russia’s brutal aggression. But the president’s behavior in the last week stunned even the Trump worriers. His ingratiating overture to the Kremlin, his preemptive giveaways—suggesting Ukraine should cede one-fifth of its territory and renounce joining NATO before Moscow even asked for those concessions—and his administration’s rush to meet a Russian delegation without Ukraine or our European allies, all of that was stunning enough.
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Staff Spotlight: Peter Juul

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Director of National Security

Peter Juul is the Director of National Security at the Progressive Policy Institute. In this role, Peter aims to craft a new foreign policy narrative that reaffirms the vital importance of active American engagement in the world and backs it up with substantive analysis of key issues relating to the defense of America’s interests, values, and prosperity.

A veteran for nearly two decades of the politics and policy world in Washington, DC, Peter previously worked on foreign policy and national security at the Center for American Progress and edited the start-up online politics and policy publication The Liberal Patriot. In both positions, Peter focused on the politics of national security, Middle East strategy, and defense issues as well as pursuing personal interests in aerospace policy and space exploration.

Peter has written and published widely, with pieces appearing in venues ranging from Foreign Policy and Middle East Policy Journal to Wired, The American Prospect, and Democracy Journal. His expert analysis has also been featured in newspapers like the New York Times and Philadelphia Inquirer.

Peter holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and international relations from Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota, as well as a master’s degree in security studies from Georgetown University. He lives in Falls Church, Virginia with his goldendoodle pup, Buddy, and can often be found watching Minnesota Twins baseball, visiting the National Air and Space Museum, or listening to the music of Prince and Taylor Swift.
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