From Tom Barrett <[email protected]>
Subject Congressional Issue Survey
Date February 27, 2025 2:31 PM
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<[link removed]> Tuesday night, House Republicans passed a historic blue print for tax relief for Americans, and spending reductions that will put us on a path to a balanced budget. President Trump has moved aggressively to reimagine government. His efforts to reform bloated and ineffective bureaucracies with a vision for a leaner, more responsive, and more accountable government is exactly what the American people want and it shows in his historically high polling numbers. As we move forward, I want to know what you believe are the most important issues on our agenda. Please take a quick minute to complete my Congressional Issue Survey to better help me fight for you. <[link removed]> DONATE <[link removed]> <[link removed]> <[link removed]> <[link removed]> <[link removed]> <mailto:[email protected]> <[link removed]> PO Box 15221, Lansing MI 48901, USA Unsubscribe <[link removed]>
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