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** PDF of February 27 issue ([link removed] )
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Download the color version. Download the black & white version. National actions hit Trump’s cuts Editorial: New York prison guard strike: Which side are we on? Mundo Obrero: La ‘paz’ de Trump es una mentira Entrevista con un preso político ucraniano Download the color version. Download the black & white . . .
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** New York prison guard strike: Which side are we on? ([link removed] )
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It is generally a good class impulse to solidarize with workers on strike. With capital on one side and labor on the other, workers are usually striking to get a bigger portion of the wealth that they alone created. Which side are you on? We’re on the workers’ side. But . . .
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** Japanese-Americans Confront ICE Detention ([link removed] )
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Seattle Mary Abo, a Japanese-American woman interned during World War II, speaks at Seattle rally, Feb. 23, 2025. (WW Photo: Jim McMahan) With the increase of the U.S. Trump/Musk pogroms against immigrants, Japanese and Japanese-Americans have increased their solidarity against roundups, detentions and deportations of migrant workers. In Seattle, 400 . . .
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** Cleveland federal workers protest layoffs ([link removed] )
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Despite snow and freezing temperatures, federal workers in Cleveland turned out Feb. 20 to protest the mass layoffs initiated by President Donald Trump and multibillionaire Elon Musk. Members of the American Federation of Government Employees gathered outside the federal building where many of them work, chanting, “Fight back!” They held . . .
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** Tulkarem resistance on West Bank bus bombings ([link removed] )
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Tulkarem resistance brigade based in the West Bank. The following statement was issued from the Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades – Tulkarem Brigade on Resistance News Network on Feb. 21, 2025. In light of the ongoing battle with the zionist occupation, and with the escalation of resistance operations targeting its . . .
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** ¡La ‘paz’ de Trump es una mentira! – Entrevista con un preso político ucraniano ([link removed] )
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Alexander y Mikhail Kononovich Por Steve Gillis Los siguientes son extractos de una entrevista en ruso realizada por el reportero del periódico Workers World Steve Gillis a Mijaíl Kononovich, preso político en Ucrania desde marzo de 2022 por oponerse a la guerra con Rusia. Él y su hermano Alexander -detenido . . .
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