Email from 40 Days for Life A return to sanity The countdown is on: The Lenten 40 Days for Life campaign begins in just six days! Can you support our heroic frontline prayer warriors who are ending abortion at the local level by making a generous gift before Wednesday? John, After decades of Hollywood pumping lewd, grotesque, anti-Christian garbage into our culture, Americans have had enough. "Woke" is on life support, as consumers demand wholesome entertainment instead of nonstop propaganda and division. On this week's episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast, we share 10 encouraging mass-media trends that show our culture is healing: To watch or listen, click the image or visit: If you missed it, go back and check out part one in the series, in which we broke down 10 pop-culture phenomena that had the most disastrous impact on society: And don't forget to email
[email protected] to tell us what you agreed with...and what we got wrong! Have you signed up to pray during the March 5-April 13 40 Days for Life campaign yet? It. Is. Time. Visit to find the vigil nearest you and commit to pray, fast, and save a life. Abortion-vulnerable moms and babies need the sidewalks in 660 cities around the world filled, Ash Wednesday through Palm Sunday. Don't delay. Sign up NOW! For life, Shawn Carney President and CEO, 40 Days for Life View this email as a webpage. 40 Days for Life | 4112 East 29th Street | Bryan, TX 77802 US Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice