There are many gimmicks to mislead voters – and Republican politicians know them all!
They have it down to such a science, they can pass record-high bloated budgets full of pork-barrel special interest deals and claim they're cutting!
Just two days ago, Republicans in the U.S. House trumpeted their new budget “framework” which, they say, would cut $1.5 trillion in spending.
If that’s true, why does their proposal also include a $4 trillion debt ceiling increase?
Because it's all smoke and mirrors, of course. The so-called “tax reduction” actually keeps the tax rate the same. The so-called “cuts” are actually reduced increases.
That's like saying, “I was going to rob you and kill you, but then I decided only to rob you, which means I have saved your life.”
The $1.5 trillion spending cut isn't going to happen this year, but years and years from now.
Under the best-case assumptions (i.e. fantasy numbers) peddled by House leadership, the proposal would add $328 billion to the deficit this year – meaning the national debt will still rise even more than last year – and then $295 the year after that.
As Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) – the only Republican to vote against the bill – pointed out:
The only way they get to this magic thing where it's not going to kill our country is 5 years from now, they imagine that 2.5% growth accumulates... Their assumptions are wrong, but even if you take their assumptions at face value, they told us in there they're going to increase the deficit in 2025 by 328 billion dollars.
I've been here long enough... I've seen a ten-year plan or two come all the way to ten years. Under [former Speaker John] Boehner we had these ten-year plans; under [former Speaker Paul] Ryan we had these ten-year plans. Anything past the third year never happens. Ever.
What an outrage.
A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to slash the federal budget and reduce the deficit. Republicans have Donald Trump, both houses of Congress, and DOGE laying out all kinds of ideal programs to cut.
And yet House Republicans come up with this.
Patriot, you need to call your U.S. Representative right now and DEMAND he or she OPPOSE this deal and DEMAND real cuts that reduce spending and reduce the national debt.
As has been pointed out over the past six week or so, there is plenty of fat to cut from every single agency budget.
If your representative is a Republican, he or she needs to hear from you to know their voters aren't buying their lies about how they care about fiscal constraint. If your representative is a Democrat – they voted against the bill because they want even more spending increases – they need to know how totally out of step they are with voters who know the national debt is a festering national disease.
No matter who your representative is, call him or her at (202) 225-3121 right now.
Here's a simple script you can use:
Hello, this is [your name] from [your city]. I'm calling because our national debt is out of control, DOGE is exposing trillions in waste, fraud, and abuse, and the budget deal the House just passed would spend more money and create a higher deficit than ever before.
This is unacceptable. Congress needs to stop playing games and CUT the spending. REAL cuts, not the FAKE cuts they tried this week.
CUT the spending and CUT the national debt. There must be ZERO budget deficit. Get it done NOW!
You can say whatever you want, of course, but be firm and don't put up with any attempt by their staff to mislead you – the Republicans just PROVED they are unserious about the debt and untrustworthy about spending.
Here are the budget deficits the Republicans just passed (it's literally spelled out in the bill:
This year (fiscal year 2025): $2.082 TRILLION
FY 2026: $1.856 TRILLION
FY 2027: $1.755 TRILLION
FY 2028: $1.901 TRILLION (yes, the deficit goes up again!)
FY 2029: $1.874 TRILLION
FY 2030: $1.976 TRILLION
FY 2031: $1.990 TRILLION
FY 2032: $2.045 TRILLION
FY 2033: $2.229 TRILLION (yes, even in their fantasy numbers, the deficit would hit record highs)
We have one shot to break this cycle.
If they approve this Pelosi budget on steroids, Republicans will have blown their opportunity, and voters should never trust them ever again.
Call your Representative at (202) 225-3121 and DEMAND they vote NO when this budget comes back to the House.
And if you haven’t yet signed your postcard to your representative, click here to sign now.
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After you make the call, I hope you will follow up by supporting Campaign for Liberty with a generous contribution.
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This targeted strategy enables us to have far greater impact than your typical Washington “think tank.” We don’t just deliver petitions, we bring pressure and political pain.
It’s a tactic that has worked to tremendous effect over the years.
But there is strength in numbers, and we can’t do it without your support.
So whether you can give $10, $100, $500, or $1,000 to help us keep up the fight, your support will make the difference.
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Thank you for all you do for Liberty,
John McCardell
Executive Director
Campaign for Liberty
P.S. If you and I don’t act RIGHT NOW, Congress is going to blindly rubber-stamp yet another out-of-control budget . . . AGAIN.
The Republicans have done it before. They will do it again.
Call your Representative at (202) 225-3121 and DEMAND they vote NO when this budget comes back to the House.
And then, if you can, please support Campaign for Liberty with a generous contribution.
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The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.
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