Dear John,
Armed conflict and other forms of violence not only made the world less safe but drove the 19th consecutive year of decline in global freedom last year, according to Freedom in the World 2025. Today, 20 percent of the world’s population lives in places without even minimal protections from the violence of war, insurgency, crime, and unaccountable security forces.
Yet 2024 also saw that the desire for peace and freedom can prevail even in some of the most repressive environments. The toppling of Bashar al-Assad’s brutal dictatorship in Syria is an important reminder that even the most violent, authoritarian systems are not immutable. Peace is more durable when rights and freedoms are respected. In Gaza, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, and elsewhere, lasting peace will require assurances for self-determination and protection of rights for all.
Introducing the newest edition of Freedom in the World
The 52nd edition of Freedom in the World, Freedom House's flagship annual report, is now live. The report assessed political rights and civil liberties in 208 countries and territories around the world in 2024.
Freedom in the World Policy Recommendations
With each year of global decline in freedom, it has become more urgent for democracies to work together to halt and roll back the deterioration. Read policy recommendations from our flagship annual report.
How Is Freedom in the World Made?
Click below to learn more about the history of Freedom in the World, learn how we score countries using the report's methodology, and explore past editions.
Check out the interactive Freedom in the World map, where you can see country scores, Freedom Status, and trends.
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