From Salam Al-Marayati <[email protected]>
Subject Boost Your Charitable Efforts This Ramadan
Date February 27, 2025 3:19 AM
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Dear John,

Ramadan is the best time to think about putting non-cash assets to work to maximize your charitable impact. Charitable gifts of stocks, bonds, real estate, and other investments through donor advised funds, or life insurance, can become powerful tools to support MPAC’s mission.

These cost-effective investments provide flexible giving options for donors and help sustain our longer-term vision and our work.

Donations to MPAC Foundation are 100% tax deductible and zakat eligible. The core of our work is to serve American Muslims and advocate for their rights and liberties. Your contributions to MPAC will not only fulfill these aspirations but also go towards fulfilling your zakat obligation.

If you are interested in learning more about ways to invest and open an account, California Community Foundation ([link removed]) (CCF) can help. You can also contact our Major Gifts Officer, Shahbano Nawaz, at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .

You can also find out more specific information in the resources below:
* Charitable Giving of Life Insurance ([link removed])
* CCF Restricted Fund Fact Sheet ([link removed])
* CCF Administrative Fee Schedule ([link removed])
* CCF Donor Advised Fund Fact Sheet ([link removed])

With gratitude,

Salam Al-Marayati

MPAC President
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Founded in 1988, the Muslim Public Affairs Council ([link removed]) improves public understanding and policies that impact American Muslims by engaging our government, media, and communities. Our policy analysts provide insight from D.C. to the palm of your hand on the most pressing issues impacting American Muslims. Email is an important way for us to communicate with supporters like you. Should you want to stop hearing from us or change your preferences, click here to Update your contact info ([link removed]) or unsubscribe ([link removed]) .

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