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Big news, John: Multiple campaigns have launched bids to flip the pivotal CA-40 battleground district from red to blue!
And these campaigns have come *SURGING* out of the starting gate with rock-solid fundraising numbers and massive excitement.
We can’t let this momentum fade. We need to get to work putting together a mobilization plan that includes hiring organizers and opening regional offices. The only problem is that this costs serious money. That’s why we were hoping you would pitch in $ or $ so we can flip CA-40 and retake the House! [[link removed]]
[link removed] [[link removed]] CHIP IN $ >> [[link removed]]CA-40 is currently represented by GOP Rep. Young Kim and it will be one of the critical make-or-break seats that will determine whether Democrats can take control of the U.S. House. In fact, the Cook Political Report has already deemed it as one of the few truly competitive districts!
And now, we have multiple Democratic candidates who have bolted out of the starting gate and are inspiring grassroots supporters with their visions and messages.
This all adds up to one thing: We are in a prime position to win this seat *IF* we can launch our mobilization programs early enough.
In 2024, we flipped three districts from red to blue by hiring organizers and opening regional offices earlier than ever — in many cases over a year before Election Day.
We need to replicate this playbook, but it will require lots of grassroots donations from people like you.
Will you pitch in $ or $? Your donation truly made a difference in helping us flip THREE seats in 2024. Together, we can flip CA-40 — ensuring that Democrats take control of the U.S. House and provide a critical “check” on President Trump. [[link removed]]
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CHIP IN $ >> [[link removed]]Thank you!
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Paid for by the California Democratic Party | www.cadem.org | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States