Email from Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty WILL's Latest Equality Win Court of Appeals Reverses Lower Court Decision WILL secured another significant victory for true equality in a decision from the Wisconsin Court of Appeals against the Evers Administration, which runs a racially discriminatory scholarship program called the “Minority Undergraduate Retention Program.” Most Wisconsin students are excluded from the program because of their race. In 2021, WILL sued over the program, which violates federal law and the Wisconsin Constitution. WILL represents five Wisconsin taxpayers who object to the state administering this race-based scholarship program, including Kiki Rabiebna and Richard Freihoefer, whose son is ineligible for a scholarship because of his race. The program discriminates against whites, many Asians, many Latinos, and every student whose ancestors are from North Africa or the Middle East. WILL Deputy Counsel, Dan Lennington, stated, “The appellate judges agreed with WILL that the state of Wisconsin can offer aid based on need, income level, or personal hardships—but not race. Their comprehensive decision marks a turning point in the fight for true equality for both our state and country.” “We need to stop discrimination everywhere,” said Richard Freihoefer, a WILL client. “Too often, taxpayers are unknowingly funding inefficient, wasteful, and illegal efforts by their own government. Today’s ruling ends one significant example.” What Act 10 Repeal Could Cost You WILL released a new property tax calculator to help Wisconsinites estimate the significant financial impact that repealing Act 10—major collective bargaining reforms passed in 2011—could have on their personal finances. This free, easy-to-use tool allows individuals to input their school district and property value, providing them with an estimated increase in property taxes if Act 10 were repealed. While this doesn’t capture the total cost of repealing Act 10, it is a reasonable estimation of the increase in school taxes you can expect on your property tax bill. Calculator Higher Health Care Costs Coming! WILL released a new report, “Wisconsin & Medicaid Expansion: A Prescription for Failure,” illustrating the empty promises and higher costs that would result from Governor Evers’ call to expand Medicaid. While this policy has been tried in many states, our report highlights a multitude of negative side effects. WILL participated in a press conference with legislative leaders to highlight just how bad Evers' idea is. WATCH Get Involved With WILL in 2025. Here's How: There's so many ways that you can help us defend freedom in Wisconsin and across the country! 2025 is going to be a big year and we will need your help. Here's a few ways you can do that. Forward this email to three friends and encourage them to sign up for our updates. Know somebody who is looking for legal representation or a talented individual who wants to be a part of our team? We are always looking for clients (Click Here) and resumes (Click Here)! Consider making a contribution today. Even just $20, $50, or $100 can make all the difference. DONATE Make An Impact With Us! Read more at Check out our various social media platforms! Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty | 330 E. Kilbourn Suite 725 | Milwaukee, WI 53202 US Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice