We are in crunch time—we need 33 new donors by midnight TONIGHT. Wendy Davis has raised nearly $1 million every quarter and she’s currently about half-a-million ahead of us.
Socialist heavy-hitters are rallying around Davis. She has the backing of Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren and the entire liberal Democratic establishment behind her.
My financial support comes from grassroots conservatives like you.
We are approaching a major deadline here at the end of the month, and just to keep pace with Davis's big money, we need to raise $10,989 a day for the rest of the quarter. But to be completely honest with you, we're going to need more than that.
Every day, more and more money is flowing into Davis’s campaign from New York and California. We’ve got to raise the stakes.
This is the same Wendy Davis who rose to liberal stardom for her filibuster in favor of late-term abortion for 13 hours on the floor of the Texas Senate.
The same Wendy Davis who spent the entire month of March, in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, raising money, while we completely suspended our fundraising to address the fallout from the virus.
Wendy Davis would be nothing more than a rubber stamp for Pelosi’s radical socialist agenda in Congress.