[ [link removed] ]Republicans just voted to get rid of essential funding for Medicaid,
SNAP, and Head Start programs. Sign the petition and tell Donald Trump and
Speaker Mike Johnson: NO MORE CUTS!
Dear MoveOn member,
Yesterday, Republicans in the House of Representatives voted to advance a
budget resolution that would take away TRILLIONS of dollars of support and
assistance from everyday people.^1 The proposal would enact $2.5 trillion
in cuts to vital public programs many of their own constituents depend on,
including Medicaid, food assistance, and education to help fund their
massive tax giveaway for the ultra-wealthy and big corporations.^2
[ [link removed] ]Sign the petition right now to fight back against Trump's agenda.
If you still need to know more, here's a short list of the impact of cuts
happening to pay for Trump’s latest Tax Scam:
* Massive cuts of $230 billion to key nutritional programs that families
depend on, like SNAP, to help fund a $350 billion tax deduction for
* $880 billion in cuts to vital health coverage like Medicaid—which
would kick millions of Americans off their health care coverage—to
help fund Trump's tax giveaway to the wealthy and well-connected.^4
* Up to 36 million individuals might lose Medicaid coverage, while over
40 million people would face reduced SNAP benefits, with many
potentially losing food assistance entirely.^5
* Education and Workforce Committee cuts that could impact the 5 million
undergraduates annually who rely on federal student loans. This could
mean current students and past borrowers face potential increases in
loan costs.^6
Children and families across the country could suffer, with the future of
school breakfast programs; food benefits like the Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program (SNAP) and Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC); child care block grants; and housing
vouchers in jeopardy.^7
[ [link removed] ]Sign the petition to fight back against Trump and Speaker Mike
Johnson's cruel efforts to strip away the health care, food, and education
assistance from everyday people, just to give tax cuts to their wealthy
billionaire friends and corporations.
We cannot allow MAGA Republicans to continue to take advantage of everyday
people and decimate social safety nets like this. Add your name to say NO
cuts to Medicaid, SNAP, and Social Security that our communities need!
[4]Sign the petition
Trump, Elon Musk, and their wealthy friends won't be impacted by slashes
to federal aid. This is just another political stunt to them, under the
guise of "cleaning up the government." But for everyday people, the impact
of these cuts will be devastating.
[ [link removed] ]These federal programs are our tax dollars at work. We paid for this,
and these programs are ours. Trump and Johnson have no business slashing
funding and putting our communities, jobs, and health at risk. Add your
name to the petition NOW!
Let's be clear: Millions of Americans rely on these programs, and we all
benefit when our schools are funded, roads are maintained, and communities
cared for. We will not allow our neighbors and our communities to fall
through the cracks created by this administration. We are ready to fight
[ [link removed] ]Click here to demand NO freezes or cuts to federal aid—temporary or
permanent—and send to three friends to help spread the word.
Thanks for all you do.
–Nakia, Kelly, Mona, Aliya, and the rest of the team
P.S. No matter who you are or where you live, your elected officials NEED
to hear from you NOW. [ [link removed] ]After you sign the petition, send a letter to
your member of Congress to fight back for the safety of all of our
communities and families.
1. "House Passes G.O.P. Budget Teeing Up Enormous Tax and Spending Cuts,"
The New York Times, February 26, 2025
[link removed]
2. Ibid.
3. "House Republican Budget Takes Away Health Care, Food Aid to Pay for
Expanded Tax Cuts for Wealthy," Center on Budget and Policy Priorities,
February 21, 2025
[link removed]
4. "The Debate Over Federal Medicaid Cuts: Perspectives of Medicaid
Enrollees Who Voted for President Trump and Vice President Harris," KFF,
February 25, 2025
[link removed]
5. "GOP Plows Ahead With Budget That Would Slash Medicaid, Food Benefits
for Millions," Common Dreams, February 25, 2025
[link removed]
6. "At Least 10 Student Loan And Federal Aid Programs Run By The
Department Of Education May Be Cut," Forbes, January 10, 2025
[link removed]
7. "House Republican Agendas and Project 2025 Would Increase Poverty and
Hardship, Drive Up the Uninsured Rate, and Disinvest From People,
Communities, and the Economy," Center on Budget and Policy Priorities,
September 3, 2024
[link removed]
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